
Std help please answer?

by  |  earlier

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ok my girlfriend has red dots around her ankles knees and thighs but nowhere near her v****a, last night she got stuff out of them, she said it really hurts and said it hurts when she walks, my mom said that it was a probably a spider bite and she had an allergic reaction to the bite. what do you think it is. is she ok, and am i too worried about this




  1. Does she shave her legs?  It sound like ingrown hairs.  -- Sometimes called "razor burn" or "road rash".

    Another though -- infected flea bites.  Do you have pets (dog or cat) that goes outside?  You could have a flea infestation. (fleas don't usually get to the thighs, though . . . .)

    Whatever the cause, keep them EXTREMELY clean.  Wash with soap and HOT water.  Use a rag and scrub.

    If they are not gone in 3-4 day, see a doctor.  See the doctor sooner if they get worse.

  2. Its not an STD, Sounds like she could have Poison Ivy, Oak, Chigger bites, razor burn, Bed Bugs, many things! Its far from STDs trust me!

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