
Steamed white rice.............?

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i just moved in with my girlfriend and she's from guam. that means we eat steamed white rice everyday with every meal. is that bad?




  1. if you don't exercise.

    and if you're diabetic.

  2. Bad how?? No, as long as thats not ALL she eats, and she doesnt look unhealthy.. I mean all that starch can be bad for some people, but If she gets proper exercise, and looks fine, its all good.... Especially for natives as such its usually fine, there bodies have been conditioned to be able to break down such foods, and eating foods as such with every meal. Ya know... As long as shes  healthy, and looks healthy, its fine.... Aswell as long as its in an acceptable portion, ya know, its all about portion control

  3. I'm filipino and my family can't eat a meal without rice!  If you didn't grow up eating rice everyday you will probably gain weight with this sudden intake of steamed white rice.  Unless you can add another half hour to your  work out routine, cut out fatty/calories else where in your  daily diet, you should probably limit your intake of the rice.

    On the plus side, rice is full of carbs that are great for energy.  So if you are consuming the most of your rice for breakfast or lunch, you are doing yourself a favor for the rest of the day by having carbs to burn all day long.  If you eat it for dinner when you have winded down from your day, this is what may cause you to gain weight.

    You can look at  it this way:  if you grew up eating a large slice of bread with every meal, or a potato, then the rice your girlfriend and you eat is just a substitute for that - so just eat the equal portion of rice and you won't gain or lose.


  4. It is ok. Rice is very high in carbohydrate and very similar to potatoes which is great if you are an active person and not prone to weight gain. If you are a little on the heavy side you might want to skip the rice.

  5. Too much of anything is not good.  Even water!

    Look up the correct portion size and then limit yourself to that amount.

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