
Stem cells as a commodity?

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Are embryonic stem cells being used as a commodity?




  1. I think its absolutely amazing what is being done today within medicinal technology. I think that stem cells can be used to an extent for truly life or death situations where the prospect of organ donation can't be used due to lack of available donors, however I dont think it'll ever get to the point where they are being used daily for trivial things, simply because I think there will always be a lot of people who will oppose it in society and the trivial use of stem cells will cause a backlash against the government.

    Many people see it as being wrong because of the way potential life is being discarded, but when it comes to keeping an already existing person alive, or keeping something alive which will develop in to a human, I think it's best to choose the living person over something whose heart isn't beating yet.

    I think if someone who opposed the use of stem cells was, god forbid, put in to the truly awful situation of having to choose between having a relative die, or using an embryonic stem cell to grow a replacement organ, they would want to have their relative to have the replacement organ.

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