
Stephen Hawking info.?

by Guest57921  |  earlier

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I have to make this poster about someone and I chose Stephen Hawking.

If anyone knows any basics or websites PLEASE include them!!! I lost my book at school, and I wanna get some knowledge of him atleast until I get my book.

Thank You!!!=)




  1. Hi W.W. Interesting name.

    I am delighted you have chosen the Great Professor Hawking, as the subject for your project.

    Professor  Hawking was born in 1942,  300 years after the death of one of his heroes - Galileo. Despite his love of Maths, he had to study Physics at University College, Oxford. He then went to Cambridge to gain his PhD. in Cosmology. He has remained at Cambridge and in 1979 was awarded the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics.

    Despite suffering from the debilitating illness, Motor Neurone Disease,Professor Hawking,  wrote the best seller, 'Brief History of Time'.

    In terms of academic life he has contributed to the worlds  understanding of the origins of the Universe. His two main theories being that,  the Universe expanded from the initial 'Big Bang'. He believes that straight after this event the Universe as we know it was the size of a pea for a fraction of time. It then began expanding, and has been doing so ever since. His second, and probably most exciting discovery is that of 'Hawking Radiation'. He proposed that Black Holes existed, and that they actually emit light, before evaporating. Understanding the dynamics of the Universe can help us understand the big questions of the life, the Universe and everything.

    Professor Hawking has made some predictions about our future:

        * There will be an ability to travel though time via 'wormholes'. Although this doesn't mean we can travel back in time and tinker with 'history'.

        * There is a threat to life on Earth posed by humans. The two main causes of concern are global warming and the genetic alteration of vaccines and other micro-organisms.

        * Human intelligence could increase, with the aid of gene therapy. However to improve brain power on a vast scale - human head size would also have to increase. Gestation would have to take place outside of the womb. This would overcome the restrictions of size of the birth canal.

        * Humans may one day inhabit other planets

    I hope this is of some help to you.

    You may also be interested to know,  that Professor Hawking has his own web site,

    Good luck my friend,


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