
Stereo Receivers Please Help?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking to buy a stereo amp or receiver between $100.00 to $150.00 dollars. does anyone know the most powerful stereo available between my price range?? looking for at least 90 watts per channel??

any answer counts> is the pioneer SX - D5000 reciever any good???

Thanks alot.




  1. In this price range, they will be about the same - so just go for the one you like most. I'd say the cheapest amp to make any difference would be NAD C315BEE - which is in $250+ range.

  2. To answer your question we need to clarify. You should always balance your system. You first need to consider the turnover of your speakers. How much power does each speaker draw when you turn the amp on, with the volume control at minimum? A high turnover leaves less amp power to drive the speaker (music power). Your next consideration is capacity. How much is too much for your speaker. If you have good speakers you don't want to destroy them. Too much music power potential can spell disaster if the baby toddles over and turns the k**b. The speakers will blow if they don't have an extremely high power rating.

    Since you're asking about buying a receiver or amp I'm thinking you have the speakers. Have you done this calculation? Read the back of the speaker. If you have their specs that's even better. Then shop for quality, not quantity (most power).

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