
Steve Bartman?

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Steve Bartman has been offered $25,000 to show up at a card convention and sign just one picture of his infamous interference play with Alou in game 6 of the '03 NLCS. If you were Bartman would you show up? And if he doesn't go, is he a bigger moron now or five years ago?




  1. He should definitely go, but spend a grand on two bodyguards.

  2. $25,000 or his life?  If he shows up you know some crazy cubs fan will get his hand on him.  Cubs fans will only forgive him when the cubs win a world series, so they'll never forgive him

  3. Absolutely! Bigger moron if he doesn't go wasn't his fault the Cubs can't hold a lead

  4. Steve Bartman is a kool guy.

    You guys are all jealous.

  5. Sh*t! Take the money.

  6. id go for cash

    even the cubs fans still hate him (GET OVER IT! you'll nvr win!! jk) he should go

  7. Steve Bartman hs been offerd movie deals and thousands of dollars before why would he show up now. I wouldnt want be remebered as the man who cost the cubs a chance at the world series

  8. I would definitely go with personal security- some nut job might try to pummel him.  He deserves at least 25 grand for the grief he's gotten

  9. Yes, if I were Bartman I'd show up (with a massive police escort) and sign just 1 single item.

    My signature on that item would read as follows:

    A real champion would have caught that ball anyway.  F**K Moises Alou!  Go White Sox!  


    Steve Bartman.

    Alou admitted (years later and way too late to help Bartman regain his shattered life) that he wouldn't even have caught the ball anyway had Bartman done nothing.  Alou reacting like a spoiled baby effectively ruined Bartman's life from that point until now.  

    Bartman writes that and I'll bet he not only gets free season tickets to White Sox games for the rest of his life, but I'll bet he'd make some serious appearance money on the Late Night TV Show circuit (Leno, Letterman, Conan) too.

  10. I would go for the money...but calling it the interference play is not true.

    If it were interference the umps would have ruled the batter out. But since the ball was going to land in the stands it is up for grabs. Also remember the big drunk guy behind him was going for it too and missed. He probably saw three balls and didn't go for the one in middle. If Bartman would have laid back and gave Alou a chance to reach into the stands...someone else would have reached for it and besides "that gold glover" Alou had a very little chance of catching it.

  11. May as well cash in. I mean, he can't suffer any more embarrassment than he already has.

  12. I would & even though he should have let the Cubs player, I think it was Alou, catch the ball, the Cubs lost the game, not Bartman

  13. steve bartman is my hero!GO YANKEES!

  14. i would totally go its easy cash. yes, if he doesnt go he is an even bigger bone head.

  15. Easy money.......

  16. I think he should take the money and show up but they better have like 100 bodyguards around him because you know some nut-job will try to kill the guy for what he did not do.

    Bartman would be a dumb not to take the money now


    PLEASE $25,000 IS NOT ENOUGH for all the man has had to go through and will continue to go through for the rest of his life for what any fan would have done.

    We all would have went out and reached for that ball coming in the stands.

    If you look at a videoof the play he was not the only person reaching for the ball there were plenty of other people i feel bad for the guy for all the embarassment he has and threats to him and his family. It was not his fault the Cubs couldnt hold a lead it was Alex Gonzalez at short when he missed that ground ball to turn a DP and send the Cubs to the Series... but Bartman has gotten all the blame.

  17. Don't call Bartman an idiot, or moron, or whatever other insult that has been used - YOU would have tried for that foul ball if you were in his place, and you know it. Others next to him were trying to get the ball too. HE didn't blow the lead, HE didn't boot the double-play ball. Fan involvement and its occasional effect on the game IS part of the game.

    Bartman can do what he likes where and when he likes, and I don't think he cares one bit what everyone says about him or whether or not he should attend the signing and pick up some money, etc.

    Leave the guy alone - only he can answer if he should go to the signing or not.
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