
Stick Shift or not?

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My beloved 1995 Toyota Corolla is on its last axels; I figure I have 8-12 months left before I need to get a new car. I’ve always wanted to learn to drive a stick shift, and figured there’s no better time then just before I have to get a new car, especially with the high gas prices and manual transmission’s better mileage and power usage; plus I can get one for about $1000 less then an automatic. My dad and a couple of friends have volunteered to teach me, however, my grandfather and one of my coworkers think I’m crazy and that stick shifts cost more in the long run, require too much work to drive, and that automatic transmissions are the way to go. Anyone have any advice? If it helps, I’m looking into getting a new Corolla, Civic, Focus, Cobalt, or Sentra. Thanks.




  1. Yeah. I just bought a new Corolla with a 5 speed. I love it. I drove an automatic for 12 years. Now it's on! I can't wait to go to work every day! I get close to 40mpg and I pass the pump more than I gas up. It almost pays me to be buying this car. Do what you want, whatever makes you happy. Just telling you about mine because you asked.

  2. speaking for myself (I've been shifting for myself for the past 30 years) and no its not a problem once you get into the habit of shifting and using the clutch.

    I consider it to be a standard part of the driving experience.

    Just my $0.02 worth ....

  3. Migrating from automatic to manual transmission in a car is easier said than done. It is better for a driver to first learn how to drive shift stick before they go to automatic. I do not doubt that you will learn but it would be a little hard. It takes time and familiarity. I have been driving a manual transmission since 1983 because in the Philippines automatic cars are much more expensive. Now I am driving an automatic transmission and I am having difficulties. I am getting used to it but takes a little more practice. Drive safely!! Cheers.

  4. go with the stick and learn how to match your speed, and gears properly. most newcomers keep the rpm's to low for efficiency.

  5. I have owned and driven MANY vehicles, American, European and Japanese, both automatic and stick shift and front and rear wheel drive. Automatics have always been more expensive to drive (worse gas mileage) and maintain (transmission services). The worst aspect has been in repairs. I have had clutches repaired at 150,000 miles for a couple of hundred dollars in my manual transmission cars. Transmission rebuilds for my automatic cars have run from $1000 to $3500! In my American cars I have had Transmissions rebuilt before 100,000 miles.

    Besides, driving a manual transmission car correctly gives a feeling of satisfaction and connection to the vehicle that you just don't get with an automatic. Driving a stick becomes second nature and you rarely notice any extra "work".

  6. stick will save you money,if you have experience with them.If you don't,you may end up paying more in maintance due to wear on the clutch and  clutch related components.

  7. >>  I’m crazy and that stick shifts cost more in the long run, require too much work to drive,

    manual can cost your more if you don't treat them correctly. But it is rare to learn how to drive a stick from an old timer (GOOD).  Most people learn from friends and they have tons of bad habits.


    >> and that automatic transmissions are the way to go.

    Not really.


    Get a stick and learn to drive a stick.  It is a good skill to have.

    Good Luck...
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