
Still married but just roommates?

by  |  earlier

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I am in a new relationship when we first started dating I had no problem when my girlfriend told me that she is still married but separated however still living with her husband.

Now I am not so sure how I feel about that. She is otherwise amazing and I am developing strong feelings for her.

Should I remain patient, or be concerned and consider moving on?




  1. Move on. She's not leaving her husband and trust me, they still have s*x.

  2. she's really not "separated" if she's still living with him...she needs to move out in order to move on with you

  3. that's some crazy drama you shouldn't have to deal with. tell her once she's divorced and they're far apart, you can rekindle....if u want

  4. What are you kidding???

    Dating is dating and if she has some other guy to dump the bills on take full advantage of it.

    Understand you will get a good insight on how she may treat you some day by how she IS treating her semi-ex-husband.

  5. She is a married woman. Enough said. Whether she is just a roommate or preforms her WIFELY duties with her HUSBAND on a daily basis is no concern of yours because she is MARRIED!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!! Find your own girl. If she is serious about your relationship she would get a divorce and move out. Seems to me like she is trying to have the best of both worlds. Peace and God bless.

  6. When you first met her you probably weren't thinking about long term issues. Now you are. You have every right to know what her plans are with her husband, which he still is so remember that. Are they legally separated or just separated in their heads...or just in her head? Now is the time to discuss expectations and where your relationship is going. If she is not willing to end that relationship completely to be with you then you need to move on and find someone who can be all yours. It will be difficult but you should not settle for someone else's scraps. question - Would she be ok with you living with another woman? And if she pulls the "Well you knew the situation when we met" card... simply state that you didn't feel for her then what you feel for her now and things are different. It's that simple.  

  7. Remain patient and proceed with caution.  Married people go through a weaning from each other stage.  Allow as much space as possible so that your feelings can stay in control. Sit back watch, wait, and listen.  Remember everyone is usually amazing during the beginning dating stage. You could be the one for her or you could be filling a void in her life. Invest more time with her when she moves out. I pray you don't get hurt.

  8. I would have a problem with it if were me because i would think they still had some form of connection and he (in ur case she lol) were just using me as a backup. You don't know what they are doing in the privacy of their own home, just what she tells you. I am not trying to be rude i just am giving my view =] if you love her and truly trust and believe her and she does the same with you, then all i can say is follow your heart, but i just wonder , if they are serious about being apart, why arent they divorced or at the least living apart?

    If kids are involved that could be a bit more understandable but still... after awhile she has to make a choice, and it sounds * like she is more committed to him and the hope that things may still work out...but if not...she has someone else so she wont have to deal with lonileness. . . Just my thoughts, good luck with everything!

  9. i think it depends on how long you have been dating and how serious you are. when it comes down to it the thing i would be worried about is that she's not divorced yet and still living with he husbands gives her the chance to rekindle that relationship and leave you behind id be careful and definately have a talk about it  

  10. move on.  you are wasting your time and life.  find someone who is single.

  11. Hmm i would be inclined to think that there is more to her story than just being room mates with her husband.

    If you really love her and want to be with her you need to let her work out what she really wants, and if it is to be with you she will leave her husband completely.

  12. It sounds as though you are worried and you have a reason for that i would say move on before the feelings for her get stronger. Why stay with her then later finding out that she has a roommate with benefits? It makes no sense! I say run and don't look back if its her ex its for a reason you don't have your ex living with you that's just not real.Good luck :)

  13. Definitely consider moving on. There is obviously some attachment still between them if they can't sever the tie completely.

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