
Still mourning, is it normal?

by  |  earlier

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My birthday is coming up and my husband had me a small party today just presents really no real party but out of the blue I was cring then really mad and I wasn't sure why so I walked away and had to be by myself awhile I couldn't stop cring and thinking of why I was even cring to begin with just made me even madder because I honestly had no reason to be upset then my aunt calls and I relize I miss my mom she was always the first one to say Happy Birthday....I felt like a complete idot for acting the way I did my husband did something sweet and I ruined it even though I think he relized what was going on and said nothing but tried to salvage the rest of the this normal?




  1. It's completely normal. Grief is life-long. Eventually over time a lot of people can get through it but some people it will hurt everytime there's an event connected with the one you miss.

    For example. My father and I were huge hockey fans, we even used to play hockey together out in the driveway / etc.

    Everytime I see a NHL game, my heart breaks inside, because I remember the times me and my father used to root for our team, and then when I'd go play hockey by myself, I'd remember the times we used to play together, and I get to the brink of breaking down.

    It takes an inner warrior to not cry. You are a human being. Keep it that way.

    For the situation with your husband, explain to him what made you act the way you did, don't leave that door closed, you need to let him know how you feel so he understands, if he knows what made you do what you did, he would be completley understanding.

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