
Still supporting the government?

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Today David Blunkett said that we will probably have to go on working well into our 70's as there isn't any money in the pension pot and that anyone who owns their own home must expect to have to sell it for nursing care in later years and not leave it to their children. Why would you want a mortgage? Why not rent? Why not give up work and go on benefits for the rest of your life? They're taking the pride out of British people!




  1. Dead right. They don't have any money because they hand out billions every year to the feckless. Moreover, the Government pension scheme has never been funded. Guess what though? they continue giving their friends in the public sector final salary schemes, whereas, following Brown's raid on final salary schemes, most of them have been disbanded in the Private Sector.  

  2. A Government's first responsibility is to look after it's own people.

    There does seem more and more similarities between Zimbabwe and Britain.

  3. December 2004:

    British Home Secretary David Blunkett has resigned amid allegations that he abused his position to steer perks to an ex-lover and after criticizing his cabinet colleagues in a biography.

    Can you guess where his money went?

  4. I'll bet his pension is fine though, they make me sick politicians! They should be making sure there is money to pay for essential services like this. It should be one of their top priorities. But they're fine, so it doesn't matter to them.

  5. This is one (discredited) man's opinion. It gets reported to sell newspapers or to fill TV programmes. Mr Blunkett is no longer a member of this government,and whilst he is entitled to his opinion it is not necessarily valid. We have an ageing population and fewer people working to support them it is true, but there is always more than one solution and not necessarily sensationalist.

  6. When will he see sense? Haha SEE sense. Get it? Badum boom tsh. I'm here all week :-D

  7. From the USA: NO! F*ck the government! We have heard about what's going on in England, and we know that what happens there will soon cross the pond and we want no part of it. Why do the British put up with such intrusive surveillance? Why do you allow the government there to put your DNA into a computer? Why don't you take a page from the other side of the pond and ....REVOLT! What *are* you waiting for? Permission?

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