
Still using diapers at eight?

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i tried to teach my 8 year old son potty training at 3 and he just wouldnt do it at all i mean we would try 4 to 5 times a day and he still wouldnt do it. so i waited two years and one day decided to teach him. so i held his you-know-what and told him to push as hard at he could and he still would not do it for 2 years!! so i gave up and hes eight now and still using diapers and now his weiner lol wont even fit in the diaper!! HELP




  1. Something is upsetting him, or something like that.

    It might not do any harm to mention it to the pediatrician. Check to see if sometthing is physically wrong first, then try to find out if something is bothering him, mentally.

    My oldest is 4, so I am definitely no authority on this, but it's definitely time to get some help. For his sake as well as your own. He would be too embarrased to sleep anywhere but at home. Talk to the pediatrician!!. It's time.

  2. Stop putting diapers on him.  He will have no choice but to learn to use the toilet.

  3. Well, if he doesn't fit in the diaper you have to buy the bigger size. Have you taken him to a doctor? If he isn't potty trained during the day there is some kind of problem that needs to be discussed.

  4. I am currently potty training my 25 month old, and he sits on the potty a lot more than 4 or 5 times a day. I put him on there every 10 minutes it seems! For God sakes your son is going to be DRIVING in 8 years!!! You are doing him a great disservice by letting this go on for as long as it has.

  5. Has he been to a Dr. to make sure that there isn't a medical or psychological reason why he isn't going to the bathroom?  Otherwise, I would say that by the age of eight he should be able to understand that the toilet is for going to the bathroom and not his pants.  I would stop buying the diapers and offer him nothing but the underwear.  I think letting him wear diapers for so long is just enabling him.  Why go to the bathroom when you can just pee your pants and no one will ever know?  What does he do at school?  Well-Good luck!

  6. that sux

  7. wow 8 years old in diaper i find this hard to belive but if its true you should be talking to a gp

  8. ok you have over babied him...

    It's summer I'd put underwear NOT DIAPERS on him and a shirt and pants/shorts.  if he goes in his things you tell him he should use the bathroom. he's 8 years old! he should know better.  He can reason.  

    Strip him down naked and hose him off with a cold hose... sounds harsh.  but It works.  than put new underwear and clothes on him. repeat the process. NO DIAPERS EVER.  Tell him he can't go anywhere and do anything "fun" because he won't use a toilet.

    First before make sure he doesn't have a medical problem, but it sounds just like you've allowed him to not grow up.  If you have "friends/peers" over repeat the process of publicly hoseing him off if you have too.  make not useing the bathroom embaressing and unpleasant. and DO NOT hold his "thing" for him he is perfectly capable of doing it himself.  What do you do with school? and other things? don't "try and teach him" explain it to him, "you use the toilet to pee and p**p" no where else.  and you make him change himself if he uses it in his pants.  make him take it down and clean his own underwear with the hose and pants and all, than you put it in the washer.

    My suggestion...  I don't consider it "abuse" Your not physically hurting the kid, to me it's more "abusive" he's so dependent he can't even use the bathroom. so "handicapped" by a diaper.  a few week old puppy can learn to use the bathroom in the "right spot".... your eight year old can too.

    I don't mean to sound harsh... I feel bad for him. I want him to learn to be a normal 8 year old. be able to go to friends houses, get babysitters and such without you and him being embarressed.  You might have to be hard on him.

  9. Sounds like you need to talk to your doctor about This.they do make pullups for BIG kids called "GOOD NIGHTS".

    There may be a psychological issue going on you dont see.

  10. go to a doctor or don't buy diapers and tell him when you need to p**p go in there or your friend will make fun of you.

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