
Stillbirth child?

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I am a woman that gave birth to my stillbirth child on June 1 of this year and its really hard for me accept what had happened until now I'm not yet find and still want to seek an answer about what are the reason why my baby is stillbirth and now I am here to ask some questions could anyone here please give me an answer..1.What are the reason why some of a woman have a stillbirth child? 2. If I will get pregnant again is theres a big possibility that my baby will be a stillbirth? 3. Is there any chance that my next baby will be healthy? 4.What I need to do to make it sure that my next baby is healthy and not a stillbirth? Please anyone help me to answer what I asked because when I gave birth and we had autopsy for the baby the doctor said they dont find anything wrong outside of my baby body.




  1. Watch Juno, adopt from a pregnant teen

  2. I am So Very Sorry for your loss.

    I have experienced a loss myself.

    Your Questions:

    1. There are lots of possible causes.  Blood clotting, Rh - blood, Incompetent cervix, Genetic abnormalities, and just medical flukes.

    2. The possibility of it happening again depends on what caused your baby to pass.  Some things have very low likelihoods of happening again and others are very high.  Have your doc check the things I listed above if he hasn't already.

    3. There is a chance you will have a healthy baby, yes!

    I know lots of moms who have had a baby after a loss.

    4. You need to find out what caused this loss.

    Here are some resources you may find helpful:

    I just created a website with helpful tips and resources:

    There are two web forums that are very close to my heart.

    There are Moms on there who have experienced losses.

    I go to both forums. It is so helpful to have other moms to talk with.

    Healing our Broken Hearts:

    Mommies of Angels:

    My email:

    MSN Messenger (works with Yahoo Messenger as well)

  3. I'm pretty sure that your doctor is probably the best source of information....that or consult an OBGYN that has an office near you.

  4. They just happen sometimes. Most women go on to have healthy babies after a stillbirth. I can't say 100% that your baby will be healthy but the chances are good. You did nothing wrong. Good luck. I'm sorry for your loss.

  5. i am so sad and sorry for what happend.

    it must be very tough on you.....beyond

    please talk to a specialist.

    i hope you celebrate mother's day again soon  in 2009 or 2010

    god bless you and your next child.


  6. If they did an autopsy, did they find anything inside the baby's body?  That's a good clue usually as to what happened.

    Main causes of stillbirth are birth defects, failure of the placenta and infection (some may have been caused in the 1st few weeks such as cytomegalovirus).  

    2. EVERY pregnancy has some risk of stillbirth. To tell you otherwise would be a lie. However, the chances of it happening again are generally slim unless a birth defect had been identified. Most of the things that I can think of that could cause multiple stillbirths are all things checked by a doctor throughout pregnancy (high blood pressure, RH disease if you are RH negative).

    3. There is every reason to believe your next baby will be healthy, again, assuming that the first baby wasn't lost due to a genetic defect that is inheritable (very uncommon).

    4.  Other than eating healthy, watching your blood pressure and exercise, I can't think of anything else you can do.

  7. I can't really answer your questions but I'm very sorry for your loss, I've never experienced something like that but I have had a miscarriage and I know how hard that is to deal with. I pray that everything will work out for you physically and emotionally. Maybe you should ask your doctor all of those questions.

  8. first of all I am sorry that happened to you.  It is very hard thing to deal with.  I  delivered prematurely twice and it was horrible both times. I held easch of them, named them and burried them both.  Since it happened twice I set out to try to fix everything because I really wanted a child.  I talked to so......many people both professional and non professional.  I spent months doing research and going to different  medical seminars.   Any way  the best thing I can tell you is to make sure God is in the right place in your life and find out all you can about what happened to you with the birth.  Insist and demand if necessary.  So many things could have been the result so its hard for me to speculate.   take it one day at a time still yet and dont give up. try again and good luck   the chances may be slim or thaey may not.  each pregnacy is different and the blessed bundle of joy you finally get will be worth it all.

  9. This must have been a terribly sad and traumatic event for you. I don't know the answer, but I'll say a prayer for you before I go to sleep. I hope the future brings you a healthy child.
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