
Stock market crash?

by  |  earlier

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name and explain the four factors that led to the stock market crash in 1929. do you feel that hoover was right when he said that we can no legislate ourselves out of this depression? or was roosevelt right in creating the projects that he did and spending billions of dollars we didnt have. examples???




  1. 1) massive over speculation in the market (5% margin)

    2) federal reserve raised interest rates, rather than lower them.

    3) federal government cut back on govt spending.  They should have been deficit spending.

    4) smoot-hawley trade bill stopped foreign goods from coming into the u.s.  Foreign governments retaliated against us, and thus stopped our products from going into their countries.  Hence we could not export our way out of the coming depression.

    Maybe we could not legislate our way ot of the depression, but if we had paid attention to the 4 items I mentioned, things would have been much easier.

    What FDR did helped the people.  But massive world war II spending pulled us out of the depression.

  2. Annual Trading Profit ! Let me Prove it.
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