
Stomach pain, not feeling well..?

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i'm having symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

i ended my period almost a week ago,

but i'm still somewhat crampy, i have diarreah for 2 days ..and then im constipated the groin area is sensitive

The only thing is, my b*****s are somewhat tender & im experincing fatigue & joint pain.

Does anyone know whats going on with me?

im 16, female..




  1. my sister had almost the same thing, she went to the dr. and they did all these tests. they put her on omperozale and put her ona strict diet. she cant have soda that much, no fried foods, really sugary drinks or food, no icing, stuff like that. its been about 6 months, and she's doning great, she takes the omperazale pill once a day, and watches her diet, but not as strictly. hope that helps!!

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