
Stop hating the great khali?

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i dont know why u hate him he doesent even say anything u should hate hhh he says bad things about everyone khalis quit wwwe is mean because khalis from india it doesent mean hes so bad look if wrestling was real khali would be like undertaker and hhh combined together hes the fastest runner in india hes not like other wrestlers hhh is cocky hhh he stinks in real life in real life hes santino marella




  1. Ok if HHH stinks like Santino Marella how come HHH is a 11 or 12 time WWE champion?And we hate Khali because he is always against heels or faces.

  2. Finally someone who agrees with me ***STARRED***

  3. Andre The Giant couldn't really "wrestle" well either, and neither can Big Show. They could and can "work" far better than Khali and had/have infinitely better psychology in the ring, but neither Andre nor Show was a great "wrestler".

    I also agree that there's enough hating on Khali. He is there to be an attraction, to help build WWE's Indian fanbase and to help put over other stars, that is his role. He is not there for any wrestling ability, so it seems somewhat idiotic when people chant to him 'you can't wrestle' when he was clearly never hired to be able to wrestle well. I imagine he's still able to wrestle better than any of them could.

  4. I did hate khali, then i realized its hard for him to be in the locker rooms with ppl he doesn't even know, he came from india and ppl there are what, "INDIAN !" so hes adjusting to the environment around him, and more over hes still learning how to wrestle, if you watch his matches closely , you can see that he does a new move in his match every week he wrestles.

  5. Look. The bottom line of why people hate on him is because he is one of the worst performers in the ring in WWE history, and I'm not making that up. It's painfully obvious. He's a very poor performer and is also not that intimidating or exciting to watch, point blank.

  6. its not because hes wack in the ring its becuz hes a heel for example everybody luved Y2J before his heel turn now everybody hates him

  7. It isn't because what he says, it is his poor in ring ability. Yeah, I have to mute my TV just so I can't hear how the announcers say that "oh, this man is one of the most intimidating superstars in WWE history"

  8. Khali's a great man, I don't hate him! He's a police officer in India and cares about the poor and needy. As an in ring performer he's a little bad... if he could move a little faster and add more charisma then people would love him. You're right Triple H is a joke and if he wouldn't be makin' babies with Stephy then he'd probably be Santino Marella right now. If Khali wrestled like Big Show, he'd rock!

  9. The guy can't wrestle and hes in the wrestling business. Go figure.

  10. why wouldn't i hate a guy who sucks in the ring like some other guy...oh wats his name...oh yeah...CENA.

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