
Strange...Am i Psychic?

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OK. this has been going on sence i was a little girl

Anytime i think of something (like maybe a certen eppisode of Family Guy) it'll come on!

Or if i have a dream about 1 of my friends, it'll come true!

Its so weird!

recently i had a dream that my 86 year old grandpa had to go to the hospital because he got really sick. in the dream my mom said

Quote: "he'll be in and out of the hospital, but he'll only live about another year"

What is going on?! is this normal?! its so wierd




  1. Sometimes something happens with us (I don't know what) and we somehow get "connected" to something that causes this. So many things happened to me...I used to write them down too...then it all came to a bad end. Now I can't remember most of it. I really can't handle these things happening to when they start..I say "Stop"...and try to forget it. It used to be exciting..but like I turned out really bad. Hope you can handle better than I did. Remember..if you know (psychically ) family secrets etc...don't go telling them. And don't write down about people going to die etc..or give it any attention at all...for your own sake. There are things people just aren't supposed to know.

  2. Sounds like a premonition to me.     When I was a teenager I would have dreams come true the next day......I sense danger now & then & it is always in my best interest.  I think it is wonderfull that you have this gift.....Pay attention to your dreams ....keep a journal on them.....Not everyone is able to do are one of the lucky attention ....they are messages for you to learn by.

  3. omg i just learned about this in literature of suspense...... um it's like eds/eps i forgot what it's called! but i think u might have it, there r actually tests u can take to c if u really r! like card tests, dream tests..... i think u might be, coool!

  4. You have very good intuition.  You are normal.

  5. My mom is the same way! Yes, you are psychic. To self test yourself further check out

  6. u and me should talk.

    i want to find out how to unlock this ability a lot more.

    i feels weird but trust me...

    u and me,are the same.

    we arent different.

    but we have abilities that most ppl dont have.

    so maybe u and me can try to unlock this ability some how...

    u can add me on YIM if u want.

    i want to know more about u :]

  7. Confirmation bias is completely normal.  There is nothing paranormal about it.

  8. nothing wrong is going on,only that you seem to have extra- sensory  capabilities,weird? i consider more weird people who

    don't understand and think they have the right to label your experiences with all sorts of "scientific terms"(lingo) ,to make you Think you are delusional or have an over-active imagination, and since they don't have the capabilities ,well simply no body else does,now that is what i call "weird"

  9. i dont wanna write every detail of what happened 2 me but jus kno that its true. i had a weird dream one night n like 3 days later everything dat was in my dream happened in real life. it was crazy, n well i tell people about it they dont believe me...its total "DEJA VU"

  10. When I was 16 I was in history class bored out of my mind. It was 10:15 in the am and I was doodling (par for the course). I spaced out (also par for the course) and I wrote without thinking. "I feel strange I don't know why, Maybe it means she's gonna die". When I returned home from school that day at around 4:30 my mother informed me that my aunt had died that morning at 10:15am.  Three days before my beloved Friend Tom died I had a dream that  I was doing a lighting consultation in his parents house. I walked into a room and began taking notes... where power outlets were and where I would like to put recessed lights in etc.,. I finished and I walked into the next room and lo and behold there is Tom. I greeted him and said how happy I was to see him and how I did not know he would be there but what a pleasant surprize, and after a line or two of small talk he walked out of the room... it was almost rude. I laughed to myself thinking how typical this was of him and  how I had forgotten he could get like that..... although I was a little hurt at his rudeness I still had a job to get back to  so I contnued on with what I was doing. I then went into the next room and there he was again. So I gave a nervous laugh and said "Oh Hello Again". and again he walked out almost rudely. I rolled my eyes. I went onto another room or two then proceeded upstairs and there he was again. I looked at him and then suddenly horrified that he would think that I might be following him I said "I swear I am not following you". This time he turned around and gently took both of my hands in his and sat me down on to the bed. He looked very very deeply in to my eyes and said "Kim, you cannot go where I am going".  I woke up quite disturbed by the dream and made a mental note to call him. 2 days later I received a call that he died. He died of a tick bite.

    WHen my mother died I found a diary I had written 5 years before. I went to the date of her death in that diary to see what I was doing at that time and in there were 3 dreams that described detail for detail the events of her death.  On and on it goes. So yes..... it is weird but happens.

  11. just keep this out from from your kin

    select one from your friend . . (including your kin) and tell just ONE person . . the statement of your grandpa

    when he got hospitalized.. . be there . . together with your friend

    help your grandpa his needs.  .  . . don't tell him about your objective

    if your dream comes true . . then you are psychic

    good luck

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