
Strange Virus. Anyone else?

by Guest62855  |  earlier

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My four year old daughter has had a strange virus since Saturday morning. It's a stomach thing with vomiting and diarhea, but it's not often. Bouts of vomiting or diarhea are spaced 6-12 hours apart. No fever, otherwise a normal kid except for no appetite. Yesterday she went all day without anything and even had a solid BM in the afternoon, then at midnight this morning, she woke up and puked and had diarhea again. Almost 24 hours since the last bout and nothing since. I'm almost starting to worry that there is something else wrong with her because it's so strange and spaced apart. Anyone else have anything like this recently?




  1. It's not strange, it's going around.  You daughter probably has a milder case than some. I had several people that work for me that had it, they even thought they were over it a couple of different times, but ended up getting sick again.  It seems some are getting where they are sick all day, but only for a day or two.  Some get sick just a little, but when they think it is over, they end up getting sick again, and this has gone on for almost a week with one person.  You should take you daughter to the doc just to be sure....

  2. I haven't had anything like this but you are wise to heir on the side of caution. Keep your eyes on her and watch her carefully. She may even have food poisoning.

    If its a virus however, we all react differently to different viruses. Thats because our immune systems are all somewhat different. If she's been fine for 24 hours, she's probably getting over it now. Give her bland foods to start out with and then as she feels more like eating, give her what she wants. Bland foods include toast with a bit of butter, plain rice with a bit of butter, yogurt, chicken soup, crackers, applesauce, and fruit slices.

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