
Strange dream.? what does it mean?

by  |  earlier

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had a dream last night and it was strange. in my dream i saw a girl with dark brown hair with auburn highlights that looked like my hair but i couldn't see her face. then there was this Caucasian man with one leg setting on the porch were the girl was playing . the house they were on looked similar to my great grandmothers house in pinkhill north carolina. i remember she said that my great grandfather was french but i was like 3 when he passed away. i'm wondering did i have a dream about him and me being together or is that dream trying to tell me something important.




  1. If your previous day brought up something (however small) that reminded you of him you may have wished to have had time with him.  Many times our brain tries to accommodate us when we don't realize it.  Write your dream down and if you have any drawing skill draw the picture to keep as a memento of the night you spent time with your great grand father.

  2. Peice of junk throw them in the garbage...

  3. many times our love ones enter us in our dreams i say write it down and then draw it if you have any drawing skills.

  4. maby i think it's more of a messig maby he might be telling you some thing....or u just had a dream on ur family what might have happend if he didn't pass on

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