
Strange relationship or not?

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Recently divorced going to Physical Therapy, the chemistry between him and I is so intense. Finally after10 sessions we both realized it was too much to bear and did it. But he's married and he says he does not have any sexual relations w/wife she's studying to be a dr.a nd always interning a a hospital and has no interest in s*x. Our is wild, we can't keep our hands off eachother. He was away for 2 weeks and I had an appt. today, promised myself it wouldn't happen, but it did

next thing: im 48 he's 37. He says he cannot go out in public w/me because too many people know him.. and he didn't call after today..

I'm so confused, he says he has feelings and doesn't know how to handle the relationship but really wants to be w/me more. What do I do? Keep meeting in private. I really like him but I don't want to show him that I'm chasing him. LIke right now I want to text him and ask him "what up" about today? He talked for 2 hours on the phone last night and he texted me till 1am. advice please!




  1. i feel strange.... run away

  2. You are 48 years old and are still buying into this B.S.??  He is using you for s*x...face it you had s*x with a married man and he is using lines on you.  Honestly at your age (I am the same age by the way) you should know better.

  3. Its against the code of ethics for a therapist to engage in a realtionship with a current patient.  He needs to cool it with you and he could have his licensed revoked.  If you really want to see him, and if he's really interested, he can persue the relationship once you are no longer his patient.  

  4. This is a strange relationship he has to choose between you and her and you shouldnt keep meeting in private beacause that's somthing you dont have to do u need to tell him that and you would if u really like him

  5. Well I can tell you from a different angle...that of the wife.  He is probably telling you a whole heap of c**p to keep you s******g him.

    I have been the cheated on wife before.  When I sat down and spoke to the girl in which he was cheating with, I was devastated at what my husband was telling her.  He was feeding her a whole heap of c**p just to make her feel sorry for him.

    I cannot explain how terrible it is to be the cheated wife.  Be warned, the wife will find out, and I would make sure that I wasnt in the picture if I was you when she does!

    I can understand that you must be lonely, but there is no excuse for sleeping with a married man.    

    Us women have to stick together to beat the cheating men!!!

  6. its all for the banging. sorry to say.

  7. You probably don't want to hear this, but it's strange.  If it were me, I would stop the relationship now, before it gets harder and more painful.  First of all, as your physical therapist, he should have no sexual relationship with you.  He could lose his license and job.  Secondly, whether he has s*x with his wife or not, he is married.  NO ONE deserves to be cheated on.  If he were truely miserable, he would be separeted or divorced. Do not lower yourself to this level.  Leave him alone and walk away.  He will never be able to give you the consistant attention (phone calls, texts, etc.) and love that you deserve.  You deserve someone who can commit to you.  And think of how the wife (who is working herself to the bone to better their life) would feel.  

  8. run for the hills.  he's using you.  you are probably not the only person he is cheating with.

  9. You are just another S****y notch on his belt.  You should have more self respect than to bang married guys.

  10. can you say booty call? hes just using you. if he was that into you also he would have already left his wife. you know this! he has told you his wife isn't giving it up so he has to get it some where....

  11. I don't think that you should keep seeing him. It's no good for you. You may think that it is, but just think about his wife. She probably hasn't got a clue what's going on...and if she did, she'd be devastated. I can tell you from personal experience...having been on BOTH sides of this fence...that his home situation isn't as bad as he says it is.

    He doesn't have feelings for you. I'm sorry, but he doesn't. They will make you believe it - they will lie, they will do whatever it takes to get you to keep giving it up. And he's probably lying to you about never having relations with his wife. Most guys who cheat will try to blame their cheating ways on the wife/girlfriend....he doesn't get enough s*x, she's cold-hearted, she complains about him all the time, ect. And they will tell you the exact same things. They want you more than her, they wish they could leave but can't for some reason, they think about you all the time, they don't sleep in the same bed anymore. It's all lies. I know you're digging this guy, but I really hope you listen to me...because it won't end well for you. His wife will find out and call you all sorts of names, and what if others find out what you've done? I think that your best bet is to terminate this mess right now before it gets out of control.  

  12. Are you joking? He is your physical therapist and is taking advantage of you? You just went through a divorce. Wake up and smell the coffee. This guy is very unprofessional and shouldn't be in business.

  13. He is using you.  All the classic signs-meeting only in private, claiming wife won't sleep with him anymore, having to keep everything a secret.  Truth is-if he really wanted to be with you, he would.  Move on!

  14. i don't care if he doesn't have a sexual relationship with his wife or not. he is married. back off. you obviously have no respect for yourself or his family. and truth be told, he probably doesn't respect you much either if he can't go "public" with you. like i said before... back off.

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