
Strange semi-recurring dream?

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A few months ago I had a dream, and last night I had the dream again, except I realized I had drempt it before and was able to change the outcome, which lead to a different, extremely longer ending.

In the original dream, I was a man in my late 20s/early 30s (note I am really a 16 year old female :/), and I was with a group with a woman and 3 other men, and we were robbing a house at night. This is where the dream started, but it was known by all of us that we were wanted by local police. Anyway, I walk into the backyard of the house, and a police car is driving by so I hide behind something, and when I see it is pretty far down the road I get up and turn around to walk towards the side of the house, but I guess the cop saw me in the rear view mirror and then I hear a gunshot and the next thing I know I'm on the ground with a bullet in my back heavily bleeding. I wake up really soon after, though I know that I would've died had I stayed asleep.

As for the dream last night, as I was hiding behind the object, I realized that I had drempt this before and knew what would happen, so I waited for the cop to turn the corner before getting up, but once again I found myself hearing a gunshot as I got up (the cop was back on the street, at the same spot it was in the original dream), but I knew where the bullet would end up so I was able to move a little bit to the side and it hit me in the back again, but it didn't hit anything important and just sat near the front of my stomach (appendix area). This time, the rest of my group comes to my aide, and I tell them to put pressure on it, and we get into a car and drive somewhere, because they were fighting over taking me to the hospital because "Hospitals ask questions!". However, nothing happens until I wake up, it's 2 days later in the morning, and I am myself again (16yr old female). We are at a hotel on the beach. However, I still have the wound, and I am still part of the group, but they still treat me like I'm the man. The wound doesn't hurt at all, so I go outside and apparently my whole school is on some vacation at a bunch of beach houses. I go back inside, and my group is gone, replaced by a classmate, who I'm acquainted with from my classes, but aren't friends with. They take me through the building (which has grown tremendously now), and I end up in my elementary school's cafeteria, though all of my classmates are eating lunch as if it were our high school. We sit down at a table and the classmate tells the others (all of which I'm acquainted with but not friends) of my gunshot wound, and none of them believe me until I show it to them (the bullet is now right under my skin, and I'm also skinnier now ). Suddenly it comes to my thought that if I don't get this bullet out soon, I'm going to die, so I start to try to take it out. I prepare for alot of pain when taking it out, but all I have to do is lift up a flap of skin that suddenly appeared and pick it up.

By then, I was starting to wake up, as I felt like I was moving somewhere really fast, while thinking "Boy, that was a weird variation of that dream I had a few months ago... Heh, I wonder if this'll be one of those interesting dreams where I wake up and have a mark where I drempt an injury :P ?" But, it wasn't :(

Anyway, I'm really wondering what caused me to have that dream again? And as to why I was able to change it's outcome into almost a knew dream altogether? And what could it possibly mean? It seems so weird...




  1. Well, were you wounded by something in your past?


    In the second dream it looks like you had help healing from a hurt.

    hospital=place of healing; others around you

    Seems to you that like learning to heal from life's hurts will hurt more, but you're learning that you'll be okay.

  2. mind has three parts 1/10 sub  CONS. part--1/10 CONS. part. and 8/10 UNCONS part

    when you sleep sub cons minds remain awakened and cons mind sleeps.

    during the day when you are  doing activites, one's cons. mind works sub cons. mind watch.every activity is recorded with sub cons. and stronger one are reflectd in your dreams. that is all.

  3. I would say past live and knew classmate then and you thought you were going to die but wasn't bad as thought. and some reason it Important that you remember this.  

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