
Strange sleeping pattern?

by Guest64058  |  earlier

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every night at about 11pm im always very tired,so i go to sleep but always wake up 2-3 hours later and then cant sleep again,until like 2pm the next day,its hapning with over a week now,whats causing this?




  1. Suggest you check with your doctor regarding Sleep Apnea.  

  2. im not the same my sleeping pattern is very strange...i think its habit, try just staying up a little later so ur extra tired if u get me and then you will be fine i think...but as i say i cannot really help you as i am the same...sorry

  3. Sounds stress related. Anything stressful happen this last week?

  4. Similar to what a few others have said, I had a very similar sleeping pattern to this when I was stressed. I started to do a bit of exercise and other things to get my endorphins going so I felt good and my body tired then I started sleeping like a baby again.

    Did the exercise early before dinner so my heart and all that wasn't going too fast before bedtime.

  5. Are you worrying about something ?

    re you getting out in the fresh air, walking, exercising?

    Sounds like you may need to get yourself involved in something of interest to you.

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