
Strange things kids do????

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Okay so the other day i caught my 6 yr old putting toothpaste on his private area!! It kinda disgusted me but was funny at the same time....... I'd been wondering why it smelled minty clean every time he got done using the bathroom! HA! Just wondering what other mothers have caught their kids doing that gave them the same reaction!!!




  1. How is that funny?  He could get an infection because of it, I'd talk to him about why he does it and how he shouldn't be doing that.

  2. lol

    my 9 yr old sister likes to shoot cold water up her butt when it is itchy with a baby medicine syringe

    weird but kinda funny

  3. OK, I'll post one for each of my kids:

    1 year old-She was closing the door shut to her play house and it she accidently hurt her middle finger while doing it. I didn't think it was too big of a problem until we went to the mall the next day and she told the clerk at JC Penney "Me have a boo boo!" so she said "Where is it?" and my daughter stuck up the finger where her boo boo was, the middle finger! O my god, I almost died!

    2 1/2 year old-My bras started to go missing. And I was getting really flustered. One day I walk into my 2 1/2 year old's room and in the middle of the room was a pile of my bras and she was jumping into them! I started to laugh. She called them "Mommy's leaves"! I asked her to do it again and got it on tape.

    4 year old niece(I adopted her)-We were at a very nice resturaunt and when the waitress came by, my 4 year old farted. I said "Now what do we say?" and she said "Miss Waitress I want the chicken tenders." I almost died of laughter. It was too cute!

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