
Strategies to fight climate change?

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Hi everyone.

I have to make a speech on climate change for English. Could you please suggest some strategies to fight climate change?

Thank you!





  2. i wrote a speech that was 29 minutes and got an A.  Be specific... I believe that global warming is true... however i do not believe that humans are causing it as you will find out in my speech below.  Your English teacher should let you take sides on climate change speech or she could get in trouble for limiting your rights... actually punishable by law...

    I wrote a speech on it and it is available here

  3. Drive fuel efficient cars like the Ford Hybrid

  4. stop the proliferation of energy consuming devices like the computer i am typing with and the infrastructure needed to keep the internet running.

    answer is very, very simple.....stop consumerism. shopping has become a past-time. our houses is full of clutter. we have two and three of everything and a whack of obsolete stuff. stuff is what is its becuse it's only function is to occupy space, reverse entropy. stop driving to piano,ballet, art, judo, cheer leading, gymnastics ...lessons. stop making movies. hey it only little old me. hey multiply little old me by no. of families driving kids around for these activities every day. one day i will have to use my GSP roundhouse kick if i get cornered in a dim alley surrounded by ballerina's with conte crayons. look carefully around you and check off item i need, i what and what i  have for convience. it is frightening. the car is a necessary item only because the city planners made mass transit so inconvient.

    like it or not environmentalist have no concept of what sustainability is. if you have no understanding of the true cost of a bag of chips and a bottle of pop. think about it. you are spending millions of dollar on capital and variable cost for fried potatoes and flavoured water. then the health cost associated.

    the answer is very simple, eat an orange don't buy orange juice or make you own. the closer of what you use is to its natural form the less of everything required for processing it.

    like turning dinosaurs into gasoline. it take millions of years and billions of dollars. now if we travelled via dinosaur.

    if only monitor, modems and plasma tv grew in orchards and someone gave me the formula for dr.pepper.

    hope this has been helpful.

  5. Bad ideas;

    * The origins of the modern liberal environmental movement in the campaign to ban DDT -- that led to the resurgence of malaria in the poorest countries, with devastatingly fatal consequences

    * The government-dictated preference for corn-based ethanol and other biofuels is causing massive land overuse, soaring food prices, and increased hunger in the poorest places

    * A single SUV tank of ethanol-based gasoline burns enough food to feed a starving African for a year

    * Hormones from contraceptive and "morning after" pills are literally being flushed into rivers and causing bizarre sexual malformations in fish -- and why, for once, there has been no outcry from liberals

    * Yellowstone in flames: Liberal-inspired management programs in the Forest Service and the National Parks have led to major wildfires — including a near—catastrophic one in the nation's crown jewel, Yellowstone Park

    * Getting the Green: the environmental movement is funded by industries that reap enormous profits from environmental laws and regulations

    * Censorship, manufactured outrage, and even phony "science" are being used to cut short the debate over global warming

  6. Simple. Say this:

    Global warming is a scam manipulated by the governments woldwide to provoke panic attacks and to brainwash societies. The government offers a viable solution, get addicted to Prozac.

    My 2 cents.

  7. Write anything you want , its a fairytale anyway.

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