
Street lights?

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I need three reason why we should have street lights..then explain you answer!!




  1. 1.they're good to us

    2.they're good for us

    3.they're good for others

  2. 1.When they would go on, they would tell me and my friends when we would have to go inside after playing.

    2. They help with lighting in heavily wooded areas where the moon can't be seen at night.

    3. It helps lights the road sides so that drivers don't hit cars parked on the side.

    4. Lights the areas that your headlights don't cover.

  3. Sometimes, we don't realize the full necessity of street lights until they're out. Try driving during a heavy downpour or fog  at night in the absence of street lights... Virtually impossible.

    Some can't even navigate when its a clear moonlit sky.

  4. 1. Keep people and property safe.

    2. Prevent car crashes.

    3. Help the emergency services.

    4. In residential areas, evidence shows that providing lights at night-time significantly reduces crime.

  5. 1. they give drunk drivers a way to stop quickly.

    2. it allows the police to spot you when your jacking car stereos

    3. it gives drunk red necks sumthin to shoot them their shotguns at

  6. It helps you see at night.

  7. 1st reason...Traffic is smoother. During rush hours when the lights are regularily intervalled, it allows for a quicker and easier flow of access. Imagine the chaos if a 4 lane road with hundreds of cars on each side were following the 4 way stop procedure and add in left turn vehicles there would be chaos.

    2nd reason...prevents less accidents as there is a systematic flow of traffic and people can visually see who has the right of way

    3rd reason is to allow pedestrians to be able to cross safely. Although pedestrians are always afforded the right of way, sometimes the weather outside and the clothing they wear make it harder to see them. With streetlights and pedestrian crosswalks there is a easier and smoother flow of pedestrians crossing safely.

    Hope these answers help.
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