
Stress ? what do you do ?

by  |  earlier

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i am very stressed lately . like VERY .

and i don't know what to do..

i'm at the point in life where everything is confusing, even though that's basically how my life has been ever since i was born .

well i don't feel like i can trust anyone these days, like i have lost trust for so many people . and my "bestfriends" makes my life feel worse . like they backstabbedd me and this one girl doesn't even talk to me this summer . band is all aboutcompetingg even your friends causing tension, school is grades, and parents are asian which means straight a's . &i've been getting b's . my parents want me to be a pharmacian, but i suck at science . brother is mean &you know, he's in the age where he's into fighting and all that c**p . and well i've been arguing alot with my parents as well . i have this friend at church and she's also been going through alot . and well i've learn some stuff from her . like how this girl like dissed me . hard . and well etc . well i've been helping others and well it seems like no one else can help me with my problems becuz it's too hard . and well i broke down a few times in my room and i feel so stressed . schools in a few days and that means more stress . and summer oheight has caused some things between me &a few people .

well i want to get stress-free or whatever . but i don't know how .

i'm not pacient enough to do yoga, i cant punch bags, i can't drive, i write but it's not really helping, i don't have any sport hobbies or whatever . so WHAT should i do ?? what would YOU do ??




  1. of course go see a doctor + listen to good music believe it or not, it will help BIG time. do stuff that makes you happy  

  2. Talk to your parents and see if they will take you to a doctor and try and get put on some medications for your depression and stress.

    Also get some CD's or MP's and listen to those at night as you are going to sleep. that will also help relax you.

    If your parents wont listen or blow you off, go talk to a counselor at school.

    Also, if you need or want to talk, you can always e-mail me.

  3. for every person! there comes a time that he or she feels very confused about everythin in his/her life!

    you seem young! and you shouldnt be worrying about all those stuff!

    jst take it easy!

    friends will come and go!

    grades will come and go!

    its the life cycle!

    dont worry about ppl! find sumway 2 unstress!

    maybe go lay down in the park!

    on the grass! sumwhere away frm every1 and every sound!

    wake up at 6 in the morning to do it if u have to!

    jst breath! look at te sky!

    think of the happy things to come! think about ur future!

    where u imagine urself to be! what do u want to be!

    dont mind ur parents! even tho they want the best for you! they could b annoying sumtimes!

    bbut you should always know! that nuthin matters as much as you!

    if u r happy with urself! then all the ppl around u are going to b the same!

    and if the times comes and u find that u r not into pharmacy! then it wont be a problem! i promise you that!

    GO KICK ***! goodluck!


    Stress causes your body to become minerally depleted and so you need to be aware of that because before long you can feel very overwhelmed. Look at that site to see what your symptoms are by clicking on the mineral and then read more section. After your body is more sound you will feel better. lucky for you it only takes about a week. Im not saying you need to buy from that website because you can find the minerals you are lacking at a regular health food store or by eating the right foods.

    I would say you specifically need to look at iron and calcium and magnesium.

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