
Stressed out 9 year old?

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My daughter is in the 3rd grade and is already asking to drop out of school, they are going over principles of algerbra. Last year she tested out of special education and now they say she's not eligiable for those services. They won't retest her. I am very worried about her level of stress. I tell her to do her best and thats all anyone can ask for, I tell her I love her and she says that I shouldn't love her cause she's stupid. Of course I reassure her that she isn't, and I'l always love her. What should I do??




  1. Not so much stress as poor self esteem. She must learn to love her self this will allow others to love her back. Get her into counseling dealing with the issue of self esteem and being open with others. She must believe in herself and understand love.  The sooner the better on this situation.

  2. well I'm a girl who is nine and is a third grader.Maybe you could get her smarter by telling her she would get a treat if she studied with you for three hours.

  3. Is she in public school?  If she is then I would pull her out and put her in a private school, or you could home-school her.  Obviously the school isn't paying attention to your daughters' needs. Algerbra in 3rd grade? Wow, thats WAY too soon to be teaching that, I remember learning that in high school. 9 yr olds should never be that stressed out school.

  4. Consider getting her a tudor that will help her with her school work. Continue to encourage her and explain to her that she is not stupid ... you sound like you've already got that part down (your a great mom!)

    As for retesting her, continue to press the issue until someone gives you a specific and legitimate reason why she cannot be. Take it all the way to the school board if necessary. She is your child and all you seem to want for her is the best, Her self esteem can be damaged for many years if she feels that she is not worthy due to an administrators selfish act.

  5. get a advocate for her and you so you can get her the help she needs. find one around you what they will do is see what she needs and what will help her and then they MAKE the school do what they say other wise school wil get in trob so they hafe to do wat they say. that how they helped me in school

    that rly not normaly for a 9 year old girl but it seems your trying your best

  6. Whats this world coming to they have 9 years old stressing out and wanting to drop out of school. shame. i wish the best of luck for you with wateva happens

  7. Honestly I  think someone needs to be with her when she's doing her schooling, so she can be reassured when she's actually having the trouble. Just work with her on the problem areas that she encountering. She shouldn't be stressed out, she's just a little girl. Maybe you can talk with her school and get her a tutor. Well I'm not sure what else to say, but i truly hope that you two can get through it.

  8. You should ask for a book on your legal rights for educational testing.

    Here where I live, if you put it in writing. They have to by law test the child.

    If the school refuses... take it up a step to the school board.... all the way to court. Do not give up... its your child.

  9. Insist they retest....appeal it if you have to...

    dont accept NO for an answer...

  10. i think you little girl fells that she is not academicaly at the same as her peers  and is beating herself up for it.

    you mite need to see if she would like to do tutoring after school to help her fell better with in herself.

    Our join after school sport our music ect

    good luck lovly

  11. prevent her from dropping out of school. though she is having a great deal of struggle stay put and see what happens. If this continues special education might be able to re-test her again.

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