
Student government speech?

by  |  earlier

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I'm running for student governmnet class rep. and this is my first time so i'm nervous. I have no idea what to say that will get people to vote for me. So... what should I say? Btw, its a 3-5 min. speech.




  1. First,you should think about exactly what it is a representative of the student body does. What will you have to do to be successful?

    You can come up with reasons that you are qualified for the position. Leadership skills, responsibility, etc.

    Then make a list of problems that you have with your school. How can you help to fix those problems? Ask some classmates what they would like to see change.

    Then think about why this position is important to you. How will this responsibility help you to grow as a person?

    Good luck! And remember, people will usually vote for someone who is confident, so stand up straight and don't speak too quietly!

  2. i ran for vp

    just say how much you love your school

    and i wuz nervous as h**l

    in front of lyke 800 ppl

    but i won

    so its not dat bad

    and the best part is you have ppl rooting for you

    answer mine:::::;...

  3. Here is a speach just for you.

    "I have attended this school for (number) years, and noticed some things that could use some help.

    For example, ( This is where you start talking about activities and events that were botched the previous year and neat some patch work)

    I understand the other students, I know about their complaints.

    I also know that they all demand quick results, and acurate information. I can give them all of this, and more.

    You can't go wrong if you vote for me!

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