
Student victim's rights...?

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What are my child's rights?

Since school started, my child has been sexually harassed by another child in elementary school (3rd, 4th grade). The other child kissed my child against her consent, touched her thigh and squeezed, then squeezed her on the bottom. The school will not move the other child from the classroom, but has offered to let my child move. However, I think that I should have the option of having the OTHER child moved out of the class. My child loves her teacher and should not be punished for the other child's wrongdoing.

Legally? I don't know.

The principal and school counselor have been notified. They are the ones that told me the other child cannot be moved.

Do you know of any websites that can give me documentation of my child's rights?




  1. Unfortunaly you will not like my answer - I do feel for your situation.. It really should never happen the way you describe.but...

    You will not get anywhere.

    All schools must have a discipline plan available. States always have education codes. Neither of these will help in the case you describe.

    Schools are required to have a safe environment for the kids and it sounds unsafe as you describe it. The problem is you want something to happen to someone else's kid. That will never happen. It is not your place to say. In fact, the school cannot tell you how they are dealing with that child. It might be that they already have psychological services for that student. But whatever it is - only the parents of that student and the school are to know it.

    They can only offer to move your child. I would take them up on it.

  2. If you have a problem with that, move your kid to another classroom. You're not another kid's parent.

  3. Schools do not disclipline the bad kids anymore because of NCLB.

    This law states that the less disclipline issues a school has, the more money they get.

    SO, instead of actually discliplining the kids so they can get the money, they don't punish them at all so there will be no reports written as this will be proof of the behavior problems.

    Hence, more money.

    Write a letter to the superintendent of the district explaining everything that has happened, ask why they won't move him and request it again.

    Here's a message board to get help --

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