
Studies done to prove Global Warming?

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For a biology project that im doing I need to find a study that proves global warming is happening or anything of that sort. Does anyone know were I can find this sort of study? Thanks!




  1. Go to your local library Web site (public or college library) and start searching the databases (sometimes the link says "find articles" or electronic resources")

    At my college library I would search:

    Science Full Text Select



    CQ Researcher

    Opposing Viewpoints

    libraries pay the subscription so that we all have access to this kind of literature.

  2. I summed up the science in the wiki article at the link below.  Check it out.

  3. Your best source is the IPCC reports (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

  4. I find it interesting how those who believe in global warming tend to post links to information and deniers just tend to say "it isn't happening"

  5. Here's one of the best:

    Meehl, G.A., W.M. Washington, C.A. Ammann, J.M. Arblaster, T.M.L. Wigleym and C. Tebaldi (2004). "Combinations of Natural and Anthropogenic Forcings in Twentieth-Century Climate". Journal of Climate 17: 3721-3727

    available at most any college library.

    Here's a good summary of the state of the scientific proof from the eminent National Academy of Sciences:


    Watch this, then you may need to change your report slightly.

  7. This graph is evidence of it. People say it is the sunspots that is causing the current global warming so this proves them wrong.

    This graph suggests that CO2 is responsible for the current warming.

    Edit: Global warming isn't a proven theory, there is only guesses.

  8. There are no such, because it isn't proven.  There is some evidence that it is happening, but the data isn't good and the principal proponent hasn't released his source data, so his claims are worthless.  It is known that the level of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased in the last forty years (by about 10%), but whether this is a cause, effect, or unrelated to temperature change is not established.

  9. problem is there is not just one study, there are hundreds.

    all the links given so far, and the links on dana's summary, are good (except the u tube one lol! that video has caused so much trouble, telling people what they want to hear with little regard for truth).

    just to add to your surfing time, here's another few dozen;

  10. As of now, there are no studies which support man made global warming. That is not to say they have not tried. In the last decade, over $50 billion has been spent trying to prove man made global warming, but no study has yet to support the theory. There have been numerous studies which disprove it however.

    As far as the graph showing CO2 and temp together, scientific studies have proven that CO2 lags behind temp. This means that an increase in temp will put more CO2 in the atmosphere (released from oceans).

    I am afraid you are going to have a very difficult time showing man made global warming is happening. You can show that the world is warming in the last 100 years. Just do not try to link  it to man.

  11. The Hadley Center is a good site and provides many good links to other organizations as well.

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