
Study abroad in Spain?

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i am planning on doing a high school summer abroad program in Valencia, Spain this summer. I have been told that the drinking age in Spain is 16. is this true? I am 17 and wondering if i will be able to drink when i go out at night or go out to dinner during my stay. Also, does anyone have experience with study abroad programs for high school students that know how strict they tend to be? If you know of one that is particularly laid back-let me know!!




  1. The legal drinking age in Spain is 18, the same for driving and buying tobacco.

    I'm sorry, but I can't help you with the study abroad question.  I am only familiar with language schools in Spain.

  2. drinking age is 18, you may be able to get served if you look older but it won't be legal.. your highschool has to get in contact with the language schools.. have fun
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