
Study tactic's?

by  |  earlier

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i have a big exame in 2 weeks and im miles behind on studie any 1 no the best way of takeing in large amounts of info in a short amount of time




  1. take things seriously.

    be optimistic. this optimism will drive you in being succcessful.

    as much as possible, ignore those things that you know that are  not helpfun in studying. (you've got two weeks, that's some cramming eh but i'm used to it)

    have your goals. schedules. every day or night have at least a chapter studied.

    two-three days before the exam, relax yourself.

    don't eat foods that would make noise, as well as those which are heavy to digest.

    for enumerations, use effective mnemonics.

  2. Learn some basic grammar and spelling.  You can take in information much faster that way.  Mistakes: tactic's, exame, im, studie, no, takeing,
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