
Study tips for high school

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I'm going to be a sophomore this year. I'll be taking Geometry, Biology, Honors Western Civilization, Honors English and Spanish 4. I don't want to spend all day-everyday studying but I do want to make straight A's this year and bring up my 3.5 GPA; so what would you suggest in terms of studying.




  1. i pretty much took the same classes, first sem you more worried about keeping your grades up but just always ask for help and my class and i went on aim sunday nights to help each other with out hw. 2nd semester your going to want to slack off and not care, just get as much as you can done before spring break. usually you get a syllabus so during vacations you can get ahead.

  2. It is always best to review new information within 24 hours of first learning it. Make sure to study for tests over several days instead of cramming the night before.

    Good luck.

  3. Review a little bit every day. Re-read your notes from each class. That should only take about 10 min. for each class. Keep the studying down to about an hour a day and then you won't have to cram so hard before your next exam.

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