
Studying abroad in Italy??

by Guest59741  |  earlier

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I was just accepted to study abroad in Rome, Italy this summer. I'm incredibly excited however I've never been abroad before.

I was wondering if anyone had any advice or tips about studying abroad...or any extra knowledge on Rome, Italy that might be helpful before I leave for the summer?




  1. take me with you, because if you don't you'll be sorry.

  2. well done - this will be a fantastic opportunity! Rome is one of my favorite cities.

    You will have a bit of a culture shock, particularly regarding the men! It's a cliche i know, but so true. Italian men seem to believe that they have a duty to flirt with any women whatsover, including calling out to you in the street. Sometimes it can be charming (especially if they're hot), but it can get to be a bit annoying. However, it's all usually very harmless - there's nothing offensive about it, and they kind of expect to be ignored. However, Italian men met socially are very polite and charming.

    One top tip is to try not to look too much like a tourist! They single out American/Canadian women easily because we dress quite differently. Casual wear like sneakers and backpacks will identify you as a foreigner - and you'll just get more hastle! Do as the Italian girls do - haughty expression, head held high, taking no s**t from any one!

  3. good luck...=D

  4. i suggest learning the language if you don't already know it! otherwise you are SOL! but i've been there this past summer, best 2 weeks of my life. have a great time!!

  5. Lucky girl! Make the most of the trip, take every opportunity you can and befriend the locals!

    You have the best chance in the world of learning Italian, rather than hang out with other foreign students (which is also good for a release every now and then and to discuss shared experiences of being alone in a foreign country) try to hang out with Italians so you can learn the language well.

    Having lived a similar experience, all I can say to you is, hang on! It will be worth it and you'll never regret it. This will be the best experience in your life!

    The first weeks you may feel depressed and homesick, lonely and totally alone. This is a totally normal reaction, it's the freak out period. Just keep strong and within very little time you will find you have a huge group of friends and will be wishing for some alone time!

    Suggestions; be open and friendly to everyone (though always be careful and street smart, don't be too trusting or you could get yourself in dangerous situations), take every opportunity you can get, befriend the locals but also keep relations with other students in your same situation, take up  extra-curricular classes/sport (it's a great way to meet even more people), get involved in uni life, visit as many other Italian cities as possible (really cheap by train with student concessions) and other European cities (train, or plane, try Ryanair) and most importantly . . . have fun!

    In bocca al lupo

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