
Studying at Bathurst CSU

by Guest59719  |  earlier

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hey i was thinking about moving from sydney to Bathurst next year to study at CSU... i was going to do paramedics...

anyone who has studied at CSU could you please give us some feedback and info about the uni and bathurst in general...just some stuff on campus life, stuff to do in Bathurst and the type of people there.. n don't be afraid to name steriotypes of people either..oo and also i heard they isnt much in the way of jobs there... so could if you could give me some info on how hard it is get get work there thatd b good too... just something to pay my way through uni like coles or something... i already work at cole over in sydney and was thinking i could try to get a transfer to a coles out that way...

thanks heaps for any info...




  1. city life is not vibrant as sydney. dead town after dark.  if u r use to quiet life - ok.  if u're interested in studies and getting ahead - its fine. what is your personality type? get the degree and move to other cities where jobs r more. partime jobs to pay your way can be found but not readily.

    if near, take a trip & hv a look see!


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