
Studying in Europe?

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hey all, at the end of yr 12 me and my family are moving to Poland. I would like to know if my Australian VCE plays a major role in a private UNIVERSITY in Poland accepting me into IT engineering. The university has English coarses and therefore i pay my way through each year for as long as the coarse continues. Basically do they accept me into the uni based on my australian VCE results?




  1. Hi, it will be a little tougher for you than the Australian International Baccalaureate (IB) students since IB scores can be directly 'translated' into the scores of whatever country you go to.

    I am not 100% sure how Poland calculates their score, but I imagine they are similar to the way France calculates theirs, in which case they don't focus on your ENTER, but rather your grades for individual classes.

    Have a look at the prerequisites on their website, they should have IB scores up there and you can match them by checking out the VCE prerequisites for Australian universities agains the IB ones, most unis have them on the web (eg, Melbourne Uni, Monash, RMIT..). For example, a prereq of 5 in IB Standard Level (SL) English is approx. a score of 30 in VCE English or Lit.

    Otherwise, send them a quick email, tell them of your situation. All the universities I have spoken to overseas are very kind and eager to help.

    Hope this helps.

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