
Stumped on this Riddle...?

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Andrea and Bonnie are identical twins. Except Andrea always tells lies and Bonnie always tells the truth. What question could you ask the two of them to tell who's who?




  1. I'd just look for the prison tats. Andrea has probably been in an out of a joint a few times if she can't do anything but lie. You could also look for a wedding ring as Bonnie probably couldn't hold down a relationship if she couldn't do anything but tell the truth.

    If that doesn't work, ask them if they honestly thought Battlefield Earth was a good movie. They one that says "yes" is lying.

  2. I think the answer would be to ask them to point to themselves. The truthful one would point to herself and the liar would point to the other.

  3. If you were the other sister who would you say was bonnie

    andrea would say a lie and say me(andrea)

    and bonnie would say a lie too and say it was andrea

  4. ask who aren't you, they will say the same answer, but one will smile.

    andrea!, but you will have to ask more questions, until one makes a mistake and the other one is left.

  5. "do you know my name?"

  6. "Are you Andrea?" that is the answer.

  7. What would your sister say if I asjed her this? What do you say?

  8. Ask one what name her sister would say was the one you asked and what is the answer is the opposite

  9. whats your name? if bonnie answers it will be the truth even if Andrea lies.

  10. just ask them if they are identical twins. since you know they are, the one that says yes is bonnie.

  11. Who the f are you???

    Or you can just say "Who would your sister say is Bonnie?"

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