
Stupid Parent Tricks?

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Ok, we've all heard of David Letterman's Stupid Pet Tricks but I am looking for Stupid Parent Tricks. Not stupid in a derogatory way but I'm sure we've all got those little stories in our past, as new parents, that we would sooner forget then relive.

I remember coming home one afternoon to find my wife standing in the kitchen breaking Cheerios in half. I asked what she was doing and she said she was getting my young daughter (our first) a snack. When I asked why she was breaking the Cheerios in half she said "So that if they get stuck in her throat she won't choke on them." I managed to stifle the full laugh I was feeling and only chuckled as I noted to her that she couldn't choke on them because they had a hole in the middle. Needless to say she never wasted time breaking Cheerios in half again. (And yes, I know you can choke on anything, hole or no hole, but you get my point).

There must be some other humorous stories out there. What has happened to you?




  1. A friend of mine who lives in Arizona was 8 months pregnant in the hottest part of the summer. One day she was floating in the pool at her house, trying to get some relief from the heat, when her husband came home. He noticed my friend outside in the pool and ran outside screaming, "Get out! Get out of the pool!" My friend thought something was terribly wrong, so she got out of the pool as quickly as her body would allow her and she asked, "What's wrong?" Her husband then said, "You're going to drown the baby!"

  2. my sister in law was frantically cleaning her house and putting away everything, as a sat watching my 2 year old nephew went behind her and pulled the same book off the shelf 7 times...she put it back every time not noticing he had done it or that it was the same book....he just looked at me and smiled every time

  3. my parent story--wayyy tooo many but my fave ''mom time''- my daughter had a pacifier n loved it-she was 1 n thougt she was too old. i tried everything but she kept finding them or had one hid or got one from gramas. i had her put them in a ''baby box'' etccccc

    still--i heard- ''i want pass-eee-fire'' ahhhhhhhhh

    so i had my mom watch her one day--tore the house apart finding all them-cut the suck part off n put them in all her fav spots- even her ride around cars lift seat..

    the look on her face looking them over with her eyebrows scrunched up trying to find the missin piece was soo funny. after looking everywhere n not saying anything she walked away n never again did i hear about the d**n ''pass-eee-fire'' yyyaaaaaa-

    i told my friend to do that to her kid n she said i was crule--hmmm whos got the 5 year old still suckin on one!!??! not my kid!!!!!  

    but her look was priceless!!!

    i broke cheerios too-hehe

    edit--hahaha--i can see ur kid trying her best not to let it go!!  u should repost this at a diff time -kids can be so funny!!-

    my daughers now 9 goin on 22.
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