
Stupid fly!!!?

by  |  earlier

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there is this fly that is always buzzing around my head, in my basement.

i have no idea how to get it out, and it is constantly zooming around my head then leaving 4 a few min. then coming back!

please help!

it is driving me crazy!




  1. I will show you inexpensive and simple way to catch that fly..Take a small napkin or towel(doesn't have to be very clean one or the one you use)squeeze it in your hand like you would to the paper..when you see that fly around or sitting somewhere quickly throw that towel on the fly so fly will  get traped under the towel.if you want to kill the fly do so.if not then take that towel with trapped fly go outside in the air let her go..that's it..make sure you would not damage your things in your home when you throw that napkin towards to fly.good luck.

  2. get a cup get a lid catch release it>

  3. By big icky kind do you mean Horsefly?  this is a horsefly-

    If so squash it! they hurt when they sting and often times they wont leave you alone. I had one follow me around for ten minutes until my friend finaly smashed it for me. I also had one sting/bite me when I didn't try to get it off. it hurt and bled! so  I strongly advise you to smoosh it

  4. no escape for u hahaha!

  5. well its oobvious u have to kill it duh u need a fly swapper

  6. Get some bug spray already!

  7. Greedy fly!

  8. well if it surrounds your probably means that you need a bath..

    just eat it.

  9. kill it or trap it

  10. just kill da fly

  11. Get some Raid insect control and spray it around your basement

    while getting the Raid, buy a fly swatter...

    or trap it and keep it as a pet

    just kidding

    good luck!

  12. hahahahahahahahaha

    get bug spray
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