
Stupid question?

by  |  earlier

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when you go to bed and the lights are off,completely dark,what do you see?the reason i ask is even after an hr with my eyes closed i see flashes of light.also if i move my hand in front of my face i see the shadow of my hand that normal?




  1. flashes of light while your eyes are closed in a COMPLETELY dark room... can be a sign of stroke...  but seeing the shadow of your hand in front of your face is normal... it could be just that your eyes are VERY sensitive to light... especially if you have light blue... grey or green eyes...

  2. this is normal. because when you go to your bed and you are turning the light off, your eyes does not fall in habit so you can not see any things but after a bit of time your eyes will habit in the room darkness so it will take what ever light came throw the windows or the door so you can see your shadow

  3. No question is a stupid question it just makes you inquisitive.    I believe it is perfectly normal......I see shapes and figures also other little things different colors too.  I believe it's normal and way cool.  Also some of it can be the aura you're giving out....

  4. No you should see a doctor.Eyes are nothing to mess with.Though if you see the flashes of light for just couple of seconds or minutes its just the fact that eyes get used to the dark :D

    Or you can see a light with your hand shadow in it in that case its pretty same your yes are getting used.

    If the Flashes last for some time you really need to see the doctor

    Good luck!


  5. thats normal

  6. that should be normal

    that happens to me as well

  7. Ask this in Paranormal and see what answers you get.
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