
Stuttgart germany?

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Stuttgart germany?




  1. Very intelligent question! 5 Stars and Kudos to you! Usually a question has a subject and verb and extra filler words. Stuttgart and Germany are normally capitalized. Do I win best answer?

  2. What is the question? Used to be stationed near Stuttgart at Nelligen Barracks, which is closed now.

    US Army(RET)

  3. A great soccer team, home of Mercedez Benz and Porsche. On the backdoor of the Black Forest. Eat a pretzel while your there.

  4. Stuttgart was in Germany last time I checked... So,what's your question?

  5. what?

  6. Here's some general information

    and here some for travelling

    either site with many further links.

    If that's not what you're looking for, please specify your question.

  7. Germar Rudolf is a political prisoner there.

  8. Yes, there is a stuttgart in Germany. It's in south-west Germany to be exact and it is a lovely city. You should go there some day. If you need some more specific information, though, maybe you should ask more precisely.
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