
Sub-panel vane deteriation (electric)?

by  |  earlier

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sub-panel in a room had breakers burn up. left the vanes pitted and burned. Told boss about it but he treats it like its nothing. best way to tell him it should be replaced? Sub-panel is 240v.




  1. It's a loose connection. Switch off and tighten for now but you can cut the wire shorter and reconnect. Switch off power to do anything.

  2. If by "vanes" you mean the bus-bars that the circuit breakers mount to, you must replace the panel, if not the entire assembly. Once this process has started, it cannot be stopped; it will eventually start arcing across the pitted surfaces. The arcing will cause carbon to build up on the bus, and on the breaker connections. The carbon buildup will then require more current to overcome the resistance, which will generate more arcing (and more heat). This process will repeat until you have a nice fire going in the feeder panel.

    When you replace the breakers, wear all of the required PPE; with a connection that has been damaged to this point, an Arc Flash Event is very much possible when removing the breakers. If possible, de-energize the feeder panel before doing any work on it.

    Remind your boss that if he knowingly allows this condition to persist without taking any action to correct it, he will be liable for any injuries or property damage that occurs due to his negligence. His insurance provider will surely do an investigation before making any pay-outs on the claim; as will OSHA if any fatalities occur.

    In the USA, almost one worker a day is killed or injured by an Arc Flash/ Arc Blast Event. He has no choice but to repair this feeder panel now.


    You should also have a qualified person determine the reason the original breakers "burnt-up"; and fix that at the same time.

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