
Submitters---how do u find out ?

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the procedure for Salah and Hajj in the Quran without playing the guessing game?

And how do u obey this Quranic order "obey Allah and obey the Messenger (P.B.U.H)?

How do u obey the Messenger (P.B.U.H)?




  1. مَا كَانَ مُحَمَّدٌ أَبَا أَحَدٍ مِنْ رِجَالِكُمْ وَلَكِنْ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ وَخَاتَمَ النَّبِيِّينَ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمًا ﴿33:40﴾

    (33:40) Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets. Allah has full knowledge of everything. *77

    *77 This one sentence arts at the root of aII those objections which the opponents were raising in connection with this marriage of the Holy Prophet. Their first objection was that he had married his own daughter-in-law, whereas according to his own law the son's wife is forbidden for the father. This was answered by saying: "Muhammad is not the father of any of your men." That is, Zaid was not his real son, and so it was not unlawful to marry his divorced wife. Their second objection was that even if his adopted son was not his real son, it was not necessary that he should have marred his divorced wife. This was answered by saying: '' . . . but he is the Messenger of AIlah." That is, it was his duty as the Messenger of Allah to put an end to all kinds of prejudices about a lawful thing which custom and tradition had made unlawful without good reason and declare it to be lawful once again.

    The point was stressed by saying: " ... and (he is) the last of the Prophets." That is, not to speak of a Messenger, no other Prophet would be raised after him, who could make up for a possible deficiency in the enforcement of a reform in the law and society that might have been left un-enforced in his time. Therefore, it had become all the more necessary that he should himself root out the custom of ignorance.

    Again, to further emphasize this point, it was said: "Allah has knowledge of everything. " that is, Allah knows best why it was imperative to get the custom of ignorance rooted out at that juncture through the Holy Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace) rather than let it remain as it was. He knows that no other prophet would be coming after him in the future; therefore, if He did not abolish this custom through His Last Prophet, no other person after him would be able to abolish it for alI the Muslims of the world for ever. Even if the later refomers would abolish it, no action of any one of them will havc the permanent and universal authority behind it so that the people of every country and every age might -start following it, and none of them would have a personality endowed with that holiness and sanctity that an action's being merely his way (Sunnah) might root out every feeling of aversion and abhorrence from the mind of the people.

    It is a pity that a section of the people in our age have given wrong interpretations of this verse and opened the way to a great mischief. We have therefore added a comprehensive appendix at the end of the commentary of this Surah for the explanation of the question of the Finality of Prophethood and the eradication of the misunderstanding spread by these people.  

  2. i'm a motazili not a submitter, qoran is perfect where every thing is in detail, the prayer, wash before prayer, pilgrimage. there is a huge difference between obeying the messenger and obeying the liars: abo horayra and bokhari, would you give your 6 yrs daughter to a man to put his p***s between her thighs, like some muslims discribing what the massenger did to aisha. you are not a robot, people do not have to do every thing in the same way. we were in the university, a sunny with a beard said loud and proud, the messenger of god taught us every thing, he taught us how to shiet (kheraa) / oh man, we were waiting for an angel from the sky to teach us how to sheit / oh man, didn't you know how to sheit before the prophet taught you how to sheit/ oh man, didn't your mother teach you how to sheit/ oh god, i want to throw up on the stupid sonna

    there is nothing in hadith about how to pray or to go to pligrimage, it's a practical tradition, nothing obligatory unless it's mentioned in qoran

    how dare you refuse what god said in qoran, that in it there is clarification for every thing, and that it's complete and perfect, how dare you refuse your own hadith motawater, when it's clear that no one should write down what mohammad said

  3. these are all things that we are taught from a young age (inshaAllah) or for a convert, things that are of high importance (especially the salah) to read up and ask questions on.

    we obey the messenger (saws) by following the hadith concerning the way that he dealt with people and situations and how to do every day things

  4. There are more than 25 times in the Quran where God ordered us to obey the messenger. Not a single time did God say "Obey Muhammed".

    Obey the messenger is conditional on having the message, the Quran. Obey the messenger because of the message he has, the Quran. Obey the messenger means to follow his message that is given to him, the Quran.

    Hajj and salat were done by earlier prophets like Ibrahim. Technically if you're going to obey human beings as part of your religion, you're obeying Ibrahim, Nuh, Adam etc.

    On the other hand Ibrahm, Nuh, Adam etc. had no hadiths to follow. As human beings they weren't perfect, just as prophet Muhammad was not perfect ( he frowned and turned away when the blind poor man came to him, (See 80:1-11), he feared the people when he was supposed to fear only God, (See 33:37), and he prohibited what he should not prohibit, (See 66:1).

    Quran'ites obey the message of god which came through Muhammad. Quran'ites pray according to how it was originally done, which requires removing innovations that aren't in quran. Otherwise everyone was doing salat saying 'no god by god. Nuh is his messenger', but quran makes it clear that people were only asked to follow god and obey Nuh by believing in the message, not raise Nuh to the level of god by including Nuh in their prayers.

    In fact, obeying Nuh is a good example of what obeying the messenger means. You obey the messager by following the message, and the only message is the quran and nothing else.

  5. Salam for you (1)Salah and zakat (islamic taxes) are  instructed by Allah as stated in The Qur'an surah 21 Al Anbiya verse 73 .It is also stated in surah 19 Maryam verse,30,31, 55.and also in surah 2 Al Baqarah verse 83 and surah 5 Al Maidah verse 12,and surah Al Bayyinah verse 5.It is stated also in surah 4  An Nisa verse 101,103 and surah 17 Al Isra  verse  78 ..Special salah on friday is instructed by Allah in surah  62 Al Jumu'ah verse 9.

    The guidance for salah is given in  surah 7 Al A'raf verse 29,surah 17  Al Isra verse 110 and surah 107 Al Maun verse 4,6.The detail of its procedures for salah are explained in the hadits of Muhammad pbuh.

    (2)Hajj pilgrim and umrah are  instructed by Allah  in the Qur'an surah 2 Al Baqarah verse 158,196 and 203 ,surah 3 Ali Imran verse 97,surah Al Hajj verse 26,30 and surah 5 Al Maidah verse 1,2,94 and 95

    Its detail procedures for hajj are explained in the hadits of Muhammad pbuh.

    We should obey to Allah and messenger of Allah by understanding and practising all of instructions and prohibitions as stated in the Qur'an and explained in the hadits of Muhammad our daily lives

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