
Suburn please help!!

by  |  earlier

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ok so i was out all day for the past 2 days, and my eyeBALLS got "suburned", or at least thats what people are saying, but they are really just kinda bloodshot and reddish, they dont hurt that much. but also, my lip got sunburned too! first they got SERIOUSLY puffy, i mean they basically got twice the size they usually are, no exageration! and now, the puffiness went away thanks to (burts bees) chapstick, but they still have these blisters on it!

so my 2 questions are:

how can i treat the "sunburn" on my eye? because right now most of the reddness went away, but it left a few small red dots. how do those go away?

and how can i treat the sunburn and blisters on my lip because it HURTS especially when i smile!!!!!!!

ok thanks!!!!





  1. try cold compresses. i hope this helps  

  2. it will heal eventually on its own but i would use visine on your eyes and just keep using chapstick on your lips

  3. I would actually make an appointment to get your eyes checked out. Eyes are very sensitive and can get damaged very easily. In the meantime use some eye drops.  

  4. Most effects of UV exposure in the eyes are only long term.

    Neither the lips nor the eyes have any melanin to protect them.

    Try some Visine. If that doesn't work on your eyes, talk to an ophthalmologist.

    On your lips, you'll just have to wait it out. Try using some Aloe Vera chapstick.  

  5. theres really not much you can do

    just eat well and drink lots of water

  6. I would put a cool washcloth over your eyes and try some Visine.  If it doesn't clear up in a few days or seem to be getting better, go see a doctor.  As for your lips, find some chapstick with Aloe.  Then, find some chapstick with sunscreen in it and use it regularly.  I hope you used sunscreen on the rest of your body!

  7. use vaseline on ur lips and visine for ur eyes...time is the only thing that will cure that so u just gotta wait ..goodluck :)

  8. vaseline, keep this handy, it moisturizes lips and such.

    but i am sorry i don't know about the eyeballs.

    that seems rather odd, i have never heard of that before.

    sorry, and i hope you feel better.
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