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i ate a footlong sub the other day and one yesterday...if i continue to eat only those and a small snack for like 3 much weight do you predict that i will lose.?

italian bread, pickles, onions, mayonaise, lettuce...and usually a 64oz. much weight in 3 months will i drop? where will it come off from? legs? stomach? arms? BUUT?




  1. well is that all you eat for the whole day??

    umm not a lot probably because its quite a fatty sub because the quality of the food is never all that good really. and is the drink diet because i know diet coke is really good because it has not fat and only 1/2 a calorie but im not sure about pepsi

    umm promably your stomach because i think you normaly drop weight everywhere else when you do a tone of exesise too.

    well good luck with the weigt loss

  2. I know this doesn't really answer your question, but it's healthier and you should lose more weight by not eating at Subway(and by using Lite Mayo and Diet Pepsi).  Subway sprays their lunch meat with bacteriophages(viruses) to keep bacteria from growing on it..  The link to the article is in the source area.

  3. drop the calories......and drink water!  :)

    You will lose more that way, and you also need to start walking or some kind of exercise!

  4. CHECK OUT THESE SITES ::: - this is FREE and is just like weight watchers. You can type in your food (not all foods but most) and find the nutrition value- fat, calories etc.  It will also tell you how many calories you burn from doing cardio (walking, jumping jacks etc)  I go here to order my pita's. Click on nutrition and as you click certain things it will tell you the extra fat / calories you are adding. This could be an okay guide for ordering from subway. It wont be exact as they all use different products but you can get an idea.

    I wont say you wont lose much because everyone else said that. (and they are fairly correct but that depends on what you usually ate beforehand) And I wont tell you to skip the mayo and pop seeing that everyone told you that too.

    But here's what I did and I lost so much weight so quick that those close to me thought I was on drugs. (bad association, I know but it gets my point across)

    - WATER. No pops! If you want something other then water go for juices. Juices have cals in them but they wont kill you. Pop is a big NO! Diet pop- reg pop! Any pop is off the meal plan.

    - No salt. Buy Half Salt or No salt. You'll get used to it quickly.  

    - I bought a foot long a day and ate half for lunch and half for dinner. No mayo (oh look I said it), no cheese, no bacon or anything of the such. I usually had a ham, turkey or chicken breast sub. Sometimes I mixed it up a bit to keep it fun. Sauces : Italian dressing (tho I've recently learned that not all Italian Dressing is low fat / cals), mustard (honey mustard to splurge but it's pretty high in cals) ... and vegies of my taste.

    - Whole Wheat bread. It's delicious. Forget that fatter Italian bread!

    --- subway has a great low fat brownie. Try it! You'll lovit.

    SNACKS: Sherbet, frozen yogurt, nibs (those licorice things), rice chrispie squares, marshmallows, and pep paddies (yes, it's chocolate but check out the fat grams... it's the best )

    --- once I started doing this and seeing some weight come off (quick - 5 Lbs a week or more) I began working out a bit. and a bit became a lot.

    10 minutes of push ups a day burns over 100 calories!

    Start with 10 and then move up to 10 mins of jumping jacks ... etc.

  5. a lot of weight kid. about 12pounds i say.

  6. You won't lose much if any b/c you need to have dairy, healthy oils and alot more veggies in your diet than a sandwich can provide.  The Pepsi is BAD and I mean BAD in sugars and will turn into fat. Do you realize 64 oz is a gallon of

  7. they do have fat free mayo & if you like & also they make a pretty good iced tea try the wheat bread it does not have that after taste that most do also if you like the oil & vinegar nix the oil from that & for a buck more you can have a salad as well

  8. Did Jared put u up to this?

  9. umm more like 100 pushups

  10. you shouldnt lose much weight because of all the calories in the mayonaise, and all that pepsi.

    well what you could do is find out all the calories add them up, and then figure out how many calories you are burning with everyday excersises (walking...) and then just see if you are losing them or gaining them.

    if that makes sense

  11. lose the mayo and drink water instead of pepsi and you will lose a lot of weight fast.
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