
Suddenly everything soy is terrible. How?

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All of a sudden, soy products cause cancer. They're not safe unless they're super-processed, and even then, they can mess up your hormones. What?? I thought people in other countries had been eating soy products for thousands of years?!?!

More anti-health propaganda? Who to trust? Could it really be that terrible for you? Can tofu sushi really kill you? Can a glass of soymilk really cause breast cancer?




  1. I tend to not believe all i hear or read.......sure a few years ago eggs were so bad for you they caused deaths etc then chickens and just last year it was something i eat.....

    I can't believe soy is bad for you it is a huge seller and health food shops promote it etc.

    If you believed everything you hear about food you would be living of fresh air lol

  2. perhaps it's the MSG which can cause heart attacks!!!

  3. Vanada Shiva, who is a Nobel prize winning Indian argricultural activist, has proclaimed that tofu is "unsafe at any level."  

    Soy and some other plants react to stress by creating phytoestrogens, which are similar to human estrogens.  It's an interesting defense mechanism.  Instead of having thorns or being straight out toxic, the plants make animals that eat too much of them infertile for a while.  This slows the rate of population growth so there are fewer grazers for the next season.  The birth control pill was originally derived from yams that had made pigs temporarily infertile.

    Asian have been eating soy for hundreds of years but only in small amounts; about two teaspoons a day.

    This is from the following link:


    Myth: Soy estrogens (isoflavones) are good for you.

    Truth: Soy isoflavones are phyto-endocrine disrupters. At dietary levels, they can prevent ovulation and stimulate the growth of cancer cells. Eating as little as 30 grams (about 4 tablespoons) of soy per day can result in hypothyroidism with symptoms of lethargy, constipation, weight gain and fatigue.


    Soy is also produced primarily by some of the worst companies in the world, like Monsanto, which alternates crops of soy and corn primarily for cattlefood.

    I will not eat soy in any significant amounts.

  4. I think it's a load of baloney.   They're seeing phytoestrogens in soy plants and they assume it's going to mess up our bodies...   but nobody is concerned about the horomones in our kids' milk/dairy products?

    I will be more willing to listen when more studies are done and when they weigh the health risks of soy against the dangers of commercially produced red meat,  mercury in fish, etc

  5. Soy proteins contain isoflavones that can mimic a weak oestrogen effect. It's not the same as the oestrogen your own body makes though - it is 1,000 times weaker than your own body's oestrogen.

    There are other plants that contain oestrogen too.

    There is NO scientific evidence that soy causes, prevents, contributes to or affects the progress of cancer, including oestrogen positive breast cancer, though there are concerns. There are also those in the field who argue that isoflavones may be of help in preventing breast cancer or be beneficial to women who have had breast cancer.

    Do a search on where questions on this  are often asked

  6. I alwayes get confused about that because they say its good for you and then they say too much is bad for you..............just look at asia for example where soy came from in the first place they are amongst the most healthiest people in the world and hardly have cancer and they eat a ton of stuff with soy products in it so i choose not to worry about what a scientist in a lab says i would just live my life because at this point its like what doesnt give you cancer? also meat causes more cancer links then soy ever has.

  7. No, these are urban myths. I don't have the information at hand, but you can check them out at vegetarian health and nutrition sites. I think some are due to poorly conducted studies, others to actual anti-veg propaganda. But don't take my word for it, look it up!

  8. if soy is so horrible, why do they feed it to the cows, pigs, and chickens sold in the grocery store?

    i pretty much don't believe anything the government has to tell us about "health".

  9. Science has made much progress recently.

  10. In the U.S., the soy products are much different than the rest of the world's soy products. Most people know that other countries consume soy but very few are aware of the form and quantity in which they consume it. You can bet the folks in Asia aren't eating processed soy made from genetically modified beans. Also, research has shown that unfermented soy can be dangerous to your health whereas fermented is much safer.

    The food industry is full of propaganda from ALL sides. But you can rest assured in the factuality that the soy products in the "west" are very different than those in the "east".

    It all comes down to what form of soy you consume.

  11. There's a lot of anti-soy propaganda out there from proponents of the animal exploitation industries and anti-vegan groups such as Weston T. Price "Foundation."  It's best to have soy as edamame, tofu, tempeh, or miso than as "soy protein isolate."  And the hormones in dairy products are far more powerful than the meek little phytoestrogens in soy.  Doctors actually recommend soy to menopausal women to help prevent certain cancers.  Posilac (bovine growth hormone) has been linked to cancer.

    Look for organic soy and those sourced from non-GMO soybeans.  It will say so on the label.  Don't go overboard on the soy, but consume in moderation.

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