
Suffering from heat!?

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I need to know how to keep my room cool my parents are way to cheap to put on the air conditioning for like 5 mins alll i have is a fan in my room upstairs and its like 90 in the house is there any way i can keep my room like 5 degrees cooler any tips?




  1. If you have more a one window, open both. You can put one fan to pull the outside air in. More than likely at night it will be cooler than what is in your room. Use the other to move the air around inside the room. The "pulling fan" will push the air in the room out - it will have nowhere else to go.

    Painful side effect of the way we build our houses in when it is cools off outside, the insulation will work to keep the heat IN your room!

    If you lucky enough to have a northern facing window and a west/east window then you are in the best shape of all - pull the cool northern side air in (it will get the least direct sun). For the other window leave it fully open shade up when the sun is not hitting it then, close the shade and leave it part open when it does.

    If you only have a southern facing window then use a big box fan to pull the air OUT of the room and use window tinting to limit the sun's heat.

    You can also try to draw air in from the heating ducts. If you have a basement intake, the air will be cooler there at least 5-10 degrees, so you can use it to cool the room a bit.

    Obviously, don't use any electronic you don't need. Unplug, computers, cable boxes, TV's and wall warts (power supplies) as they make can heat even they are off.

    Finally you can use a small spray bottle of water, by having lots of air flow and misting your skin, it will feel much cooler.

    Sounds like a lot, but it is mostly free...

  2. you can add another fan

  3. Take a cool shower and leave your hair wet. when the air from the fan hits you it will feel a lot cool.  We also do not have AC.

  4. One thing that will really feel great is... try putting you feet in cold water. If you have a foot bath that would be purfect. instead of hot soak your feet try cold or even cold as you can stand it. and wow...this really feels fine. last summer when there was a heat wave...I tried this. it helps.
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