
Suggestion of s*x every other day?

by Guest45021  |  earlier

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would it be wrong to have s*x every day occasionally, ie we did it last night and want to again tonight would that help or hinder or neither our chances of concieving.




  1. you must be making your fella very happy.

    No seriously, that's a good idea, keep trying

  2. the more s*x the better. and if you want to do it today tomorrow the day after, etc. then trust me it wont hurt your chances

  3. I agree with the above but I have heard that the man needs to recover so his boys are ready to atttack.  If you do it everyday they say that the little guys get weak.  

    I still think the more the better no?

  4. Well you cant get pregnant unless you have s*x so I would say why not? Everyone has their own personal opinion about getting pregnant and the how to's and what not but I say the more you have s*x the more chance you have of getting pregnant. If you are having a hard time getting pregnant you might want to see a doctor or both you and your husband see a doctor because there might be something medically wrong that you dont know about. (tilted uterus, low sperm count, etc.....)

  5. Have s*x whenever you want to - don't make it like a chore! This way your more relaxed & therefore more likely to concieve (obviously when ovulating!). Too many people try too hard. Relax & enjoy xx

  6. It definitely wont hinder your chances of getting pregnant, i don't necessarily think it will help either...Make sure you have s*x when your ovulating though. Good luck!

  7. looks like you already know what most people do not know and that is the male is most fertile on the second day when the sperm is fully grown. So it would increase your chances doing it every other day.

    It is Ramadan so make a special effort!

  8. Hello,

    I am also trying to conceive and have been for a good few months, this month i brought a book 'Zita West's Guide To Getting Pregnant' Shes is a fertility expert, I also thought that every other day was best in til reading this book. Zita West repeatedly brings up the main concerns that couples go into her clinic is asking if to much s*x is bad for fertility! she repeatedly goes on about couples do not have enough s*x and sperm replaces its self constantly! And she cannot stress enough about having lots of s*x when your ovulating!

    This was new to me too but im happy about it lol!

    I would really recommend this book and i have been hooked on it for the past couple of days and it goes into great detail with what you and your partner can do.

    Me and my partner are both taking vitamins, hes taking zinc as this helps the sperm and imtakingng folic acid.

    Good luck to you both.

  9. When trying to get pregnant how often should you have s*x? Every day or every other day? Wait for the OPK to become positive? Or when the temperature goes up?

    To improve your chances getting pregnant you need to make love on your fertile days. You only have 5-6 fertile days each cycle, the 4-5 fertile days before and the day of ovulation. Making love more than 5 days before the day of ovulation or making love the day after ovulation will not get you pregnant.

    Timing s*x and Intercourse

    Timing of intercourse is when you try to make love only within a day or 2 of ovulation. The problem with timing is that has never been shown to improve your pregnancy chances. In addition, many women often do not know the exact day that they will ovulate and studies have shown that even in women with regular cycles, ovulation can possibly happen any time.

    You are probably not improving your chances of getting pregnant if you wait with intercourse until the ovulation predictor kit the OPK has become positive. The problem with the OPK is that by the time it's positive you may already have ovulated, and s*x after ovulation is unlikely to get you pregnant. Waiting until the BBT temperature has gone up is even worse, as the temperature goes up after ovulation.

    Frequency of Intercourse

    Couples who tried to get pregnant were previously told to have s*x once every other day during their fertile days. But studies have shown you can improve your chances if you have s*x once a day every day (as long as his sperm are OK) during the fertile 4-5 days prior to, and the day of, ovulation. In those rare circumstances when the man does not have enough sperm (oligospermia), the old rule of once every other day still holds true.

    In addition, researchers recommend that the average couple who is trying to conceive should make love regularly 2-3 times a week, every week because you don't know exactly when ovulation happens.  

  10. the more times you have s*x the better your chances are of conceiving. Some people have s*x more then once a day. Its not going to hurt anything.

  11. the more s*x the more you have the chance of concieving.

    its best when you are ovulating but hey girls have the right to be horney and want it too.. :)

  12. The more you do it, the more you increase your chances of getting pregnant.  Enjoy and good luck! :)

  13. Some people say everyday others say every other day - its up to you really but in my opinion the more s*x the more likely you are to get pregnant - a woman on here told me that as long as your partner hasn't got a low sperm count then everyday is fine, if he has then you should wait 48 hours for him to produce more sperm - good luck

  14. My boyfriend and I have been using for a couple of months now and it gives you 5 "purple bunny" days to shoot around for ovulation.  We generally take the 2 days before the bunnies off and then go every day. I think might've read that hint on their site.  Outside of that 5 day period we just roll with what we've got time and energy for.  

    Incidentally, the first month I paid attention to the "bunny days" I got pregnant. (miscarried at 5 wks, trying again)

    TTC #4 (older kids ages 16,12 and 8)

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