
Suggestions for guitars?

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I already have a traditonal Fender style guitar and i was thinking along the lines of a Epiphone Les Paul, but iam open to suggestions and was wondering if anyone could reccommended anything.

Not too expensive though :)





  1. i love this guitar:

  2. Epiphone LP's are a great choice for those who don't have the cash to get a Gibson LP.  A lot of people give the Epiphone's a bad wrap because they always want to compare them to the Gibson's.  The truth is the Epiphone's are still a great guitar.  I don't think you'd regret getting one.

  3. I have several things that may help you in buying a guitar!

    I hope they help :)

    To begin, don't buy it off the net.  Go to a store, and try all the guitars you see that fit your budget and style.  All guitars are not the same.  They all have their own feels to them.

    After you have a guitar, sometimes, the amp can change your sound far more, in addition to the pickups in the guitar.  For probably 100$ you could make a cheap guitar sound quite good with some different pickups.  As for the amp, don't get a big one unless you play live.  Get a small amp that's nice.  Go for sound quality over loudness.  Buy some earplugs, I've found turning up your amp and using earplugs improves the sound of the amp by a whole lot.

    Good luck I hope some of my tips will help you! :D

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