
Suicide runs in the family?

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My parents died in a double suicide act. They created a scene inside our family home garage. The car was left on with the door closed and garage door closed. The fumes from the garage killed them...there was a suicide note left. I found them there both naked my mother had even taken some pills (but they were not the cause of death) I was the one that found them and I was 11 years old. It was the most unbelievable situation and I have been scarred. I have dreams of the scene and everytime I see a garage...i burst into tears. I am 57 years of age now and have put my rage and sadness into my alchohol. I am sad, depressed and ready to take my life into the hands of god. Suicide runs in the grandmother did it as well and my uncle Jerry as well. Jerry lived and is now in a hospital. I just feel that I have nobody secure anymore to lean on for I don't have any siblings or other family members.

Should I let the genes carry on?




  1. NO of coarse not don't do that please don't and your not alone you have god hes the one you can lean on and go for support please don't do it. you need to break the suididal chain that runs in your family! please don't...your not in charge of deciding wheather to take your life away or not the only one that can is god.



  2. Hun,  you really need to go find a person that you can trust and talk to about all this.  And if you aren't able to find a friend that you can talk to about this, then reach out to a counselor.  You were very young when this happened and it was obviously very traumatic for you.  

    Also, your parents must have been mentally ill in order for them both to commit suicide.  You need to get help if you are thinking about committing suicide.  Suicide is not  the answer to anything no matter what you have gone through.  

  3. That is horrible. I feel so bad for you, but my suggestion would be to get into a support group. I have not had anyone commit suicide in my family but there has been a lot of death and i have realized that  support groups on yahoo chat really can help you get out ur anger

  4. Awwhh thats not nice atal .. poor you =[ Dont do it! Its not a genitic thing. The alchol aint gunna help matters one bit so go and see someone about that . Go see a doctor about the depression and try and get your life back on track for your own sake. (:  

  5. No you should not commit suicide. Please get some help now from a doctor. The alcohol isn't helping anything. I'm sure you are upset about what happened when you were eleven but you can get through this. Again, please go to a doctor.

  6. Bad parenting runs in my family. My mom is a bad mother. My grandmother was a bad mother and my great grand mother was a bad mother. But by no way am I going to be like them.

    At some point in life, you have to say...."Okay, so this is how my family is? I'm going to be brave, and I'm going to change the way of things"

    You can do this. You can change your family history.

  7. no do not! suicide is not genetic it is a choice; however i think depression might be; try seeing a therapist  

  8. It isn't genes son.It is CHOICE.

    Also since you brought up GOD, I want you tro think about something,if you know anything about the Bible and JESUS, you know JESUS was betrayed by Judas, who was one of HIS disciples who had been with JESUS 3 1/2 yrs.It says that satan entered into Judas and after that Judas killed himself.

    I used to be manic depressive and GOD delivered me from it without meds drugs or alcohol or doctors.

    I am very sorry about your parents.We canot pick our parents.My mom was manic depressive,bi polar,skitzo whatever you want to call it and our family was pretty dysfunctional.

    I got to the lowest place in my life and sought GOD with all my heart and HE heard my prayers.

    He will hear yours and heal you also.Quit making what your parents did the center of your life.If anything realize they needed GOD but instead turned away from HIM in order to kill themselves.GOD never intended for anyone to kil themselves,and HE has plans for your life otherwise you wouldn't be here and I wouldn't be telling you this.

    If you get a chance ,get a Bible read Romans 3:23 ,John 3:1-5 and Acts 2:38, then look for a United Pentecostal church.You will find what you need there.Many have come from backgrounds as bad or worse than mine or yours.I'll be praying for you.If you want to talk,E-mail me my screen name bless.

  9. No! Please, do not do that! Alcohol makes you depress, and since you drink you're always going to feel like that. As far as seeing your parents, im sorry to hear that, but you cannot follow in their footsteps. OMG please dont!!!!

  10. "suicide" is not a heridetary gene, some mental illnesses are though. personally i don't think u should kill urself, u should try doing some volunteer work, i recomend at a retirement home, if u feel like u don't have anyone. i'm not going to tell u to go to church or find god cuz personally i think that's c**p and if god wanted to help people he'd find them. just do what u think u need to do, and hopefully that won't include suicide

  11. No. If you are serious about this there are doctors that can help you. But you have to want to get help. therapists psychologists, psychiatrists. Suicide does not run on any family. Mental illness maybe. get help

  12. Your cry out for help is an indication that you really want to choose life over death. Please don't do it! Death is the only part of life that cannot be changed. It is permanant. You need to change the family's patterns.

    Suicide does not run in families. There is something else behind your feelings. Please go speak to a professional.There is help for everyone in crisis. Life is a very precious gift. Don't deprive yourself without giving

    counseling a chance. Please. Get Help. Please.

  13. NOOO please take my word for it PLEASE.... i feel so bad for you.. you make me want to cry no offence but ur life has been so horrible PLEASE dont commit suicide because well i dont know if u believe in religions but that is a unforgivable sin.. really and if u do that your bound to go to h**l FOREVER... please this life was bad for you.. dont make the after life bad as well and i really want you to go to heaven im not trying to force my religion on you but i would suggest you learn about religions pray to god.. try to be good cuz this life has been bad try to make ur after life better... i would recomand Islam ... i have heard a lot of good things about it no personal experince but yea i also think the best thing for you is a spouse kids.. yea your old... but make friends get a job...  

  14. As everyone else has said suicide is not genetic anymore then being a plumber or electrician is. It is something that seems like a solution to you because you have a history of it.

    You mention you are ready to furn things over to God hands and you think His choice would be to kill you??

    Alcohol feeds depression. It is called Alcohol induced depression because it is a depressant and only numbs the pain until you sober up.

    You have gotten many good tips on things that may help. Volunteer work gets you out of your own head which can be a very dangerous place.

    Get help with your drinking first and see if things dont begin to look brighter. The 12 step programs work and the rooms are full of people who have been in the exact same place as you many worse. AA programs encourage anti depression medication too so you can get all the help you need in 2 places. Most therapists will not give you the medication until you get help with your drinking. You are not alone ever.

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