
Summer Vacation??

by  |  earlier

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How many of you parents out there are ready for summer vacation?? I know I am ready to be able to sleep in and also to make plans for during the day. My daughter started the count down 2 weeks ago. My husband and I have thought about finding a day camp for her to go to for a couple of weeks. Are there any parents on here that can give their opinion as to good or bad idea for the camp thing? This is our only child and she has started asking about things like this. I would appreciate any and all opinions on the subject.




  1. I would send her to a day camp but not a over night week camp unless she wants to. Even of she does wanna do a week long camp away from home let her think about it for awhile just to make sure it is what she wants to do. I am 12 and I am going to a few week camps but I come home every night. I am also going to a few just day camps with friends. If she is in girl scouts let her pick about 4 of their camps they are very good. I hope this helped and have a fun and safe summer.


  2. Ask her if she wants to go to camp and if she doesn't, than her and your husband should go to the movies, go to a water park or an amusement park
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